Shireen Jaffer

Personal Learning - Manage all of your learning in one place

Personal Learning by Edvo is the first learning management system designed for you. Use the Personal Learning browser extension and highlighter to power your learning workflow, and manage it all in your dashboard!

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Shireen Jaffer
Hi everyone! So excited to introduce Personal Learning to all of you. Darlene and I started building this for ourselves during COVID because we were spending so much time learning and questioning pretty much everything we read online... I also started realizing that even though Learning Management Systems have existed for decades, they’ve been built for huge corporations and schools to teach what they want people to learn. We wanted our own learning management system so we could teach ourselves whatever WE wanted. So we built Personal Learning for each of us to take learning into our hands and think for ourselves. We’re so happy to be doing this work, and to be introducing a product that both of us love using every day. 😀 Check it out and grab a beta invite if this speaks to you! Currently available for Google Chrome users - we’ll build for Safari next and then Firefox. We’ll also be active in the comments for any feedback, questions or thoughts. Excited to share this with everyone!
Pablo Stanley
Love the idea of personalized learning and creating your own knowledge paths. Also, love the landing page with the illustrations—kudos to the designer!
Caitlin Sowers
@pablostanley Thank you Pablo! Your Blush illustrations are a standout! :)