Mega Forms is highly advanced contact form builder for WordPress. Mega Forms offers a flexible row/column layout system that requires very minimal effort to design a form that blends nicely with your website layout.
It been a really long journey, but a wonderful one. I was finally able to complete Mega Forms after starting it 2 years ago, there were many times where I was going to give up on it, but luckily I didn't.
Today I'm more than happy to introduce Mega Forms, a free drag and drop forms builder plugin for WordPress. It comes with a very intuitive UI and ton of features:
- Intuitive user interface
- Drag & drop form builder
- Optimized for speed & performance
- Ton of free field types ( text, select, radio, checkboxes and more )
- Regular updates & dedicated support
- Fully responsive & mobile friendly
- Unlimited forms & form submission
- Export and import forms
- Customizable templates
- Full control ( styles, email templates, field templates and more )
- Developer friendly
That's not all. We're currently working on building a documentation and resources page + a Pro version with even more features.
My goal was to make creating forms, sending notifications and managing entries on WordPress easier than ever.
Again we've just started, we have a long list of features coming soon and we'll be making this plugin even more awesome.
Thank you
Mega Forms