Simple online scheduling tool for group meetings
Jack Smith — Simple online scheduling tool for group meetings


Meeting planner provides the simplest way to plan 1:1 and group meetings, making it easy to suggest times and places, gather feedback and finalize the schedule. It's works across popular calendar services and is translated into 21 languages.

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Jeff Reifman
You can read about the ongoing development of Meeting Planner in the Envato Tuts+ tutorial series, Building Your Startup
Jeff Reifman
We've added a scheduling wizard which makes it simple for everyone to choose people, times and places for 1:1 or group meetings. All the screenshots up above have been replaced with the new wizard. Try it out at
Cem Carak
Is this integrated with any software or platform?
Jeff Reifman
@cemedericarak Hi Cem, no API yet ... but FB/Goog/LI sign up & ICS ical output for events. Built on Yii2 Framework PHP Bootstrap. What would you like to see? btw - looks like you offer a vertical competitor :)
Cem Carak
@reifman Thanks Jeff. We do but we are more trying to be a social app for group decision making. I was just curious if you guys were integrated with any B2B software. Thanks for your answer though and good luck!
Jeff Reifman
@cemedericarak Thanks Cem. Good luck to you too!
Jeff Reifman
Debunking the myth of the one man startup - open source software plays a key enabling role
Jeff Reifman
How to Plan a Group Meeting with Meeting Planner or Simple Planner:
Jeff Reifman
Meeting Planner now supports 21 languages! Everything from Arabic to Spanish to Swedish to Hindi. Click the Flag language switcher at
Jeff Reifman
You can see a screencast demo of our new wizard here: ... of course it's live so you can check it out at