At the Upfront Summit last month, @ev mentioned they were working on a mobile-centric storytelling format. This feels similar to Hardbound by @nbashaw and Twitter Moments. Looking forward to playing with it.
@sethlouey@chrismessina@rrhoover definitely has some similarities, but I think we're building towards very different visions. If I had to compare the two, I'd say we aspire to be more like Netflix (premium content) and they are aspiring to be more like Snapchat (easy user creation).
I wrote a bit more about it on twitter:
Of course, just my 2¢!
@nbashaw@sethlouey@chrismessina@rrhoover On Hardbound's homepage is a quote from Ev Williams himself, saying "I love Hardbound. They are pushing the boundaries of mobile-based storytelling."
I really like both ideas, there are definitely differences between the two in how they can be developed. I expect some use cases will show us the true potential of Medium Series as a means of putting content out faster and in stages, rather than one long in-depth piece of content at one time.
I've been on the beta of this for a little while now and have found it an interesting addition. It kind of comes off as an insta/snap "story" but on medium. Would be curious where the initial inspiration came from.
In general the series have been much less formal and more fun. I believe they should be used for an always evolving/building thought piece - Kind of a like a less emotional tweet storm. Where you subscribe to a series and get notified as more words come in. But the use cases aren't forced... so I've seen a lot.
I haven't seen a really standout content piece on it, yet. So I'm looking forward to watching this as it gets used... But I can definitely see people telling more Wattpad like stories on Medium in the future.
@i_am_brennan I agree with the Wattpad comp -- to me, it seems Kindle and other ebook producers, should be paying attention... Also, I don't understand the clap (over the brand standard of the thumbs up recommend). Can anyone explain why Medium chose clap of recommend? Novelty?
Side note - Instagram stories should copy the parallax from Medium Series' images. It would be a clever product solution to solve IG stories frustrating vertical crop that gets applied camera roll uploads.
I've been on the fence about this for awhile: is tapping beneficial to storytelling? The phone is 'the medium' we are 'stuck' with. And Series has exciting potential to cater to the phone's innate benefits and limitations. I've been in the beta program for a couple months. When I created my first Series, "NewsFeed Game Theory," I was unsure if I used Series 'correctly' as I wrote a pseudo-serious academic style post but in making it, I found that that the creator is increasingly drawn to the break from screen to screen, i.e. like a line break, but more controlling in the sense that nothing of what's next can be seen. The next screen could be an ad... Immersion in Series - and SnapChat stories for that matter - just face so many challenges the book never did. The break from screen to screen shapes the story. Anyways, from a marketing perspective (as you have to use the app to access the screens), Series is going to do wonders for driving the Medium app's usage.
I'm already a fan! As a huge Medium user this kind of fits the niche I've felt existed for a while! You can read my first series on my Medium profile!
Medium Stories is big for a writer like me. I write a series about becoming an entrepreneur. I basically write about my journey to riches, so I appreciate being able to make it a series instead of having to edit every story all the time. For those of you who are curious, here's my series:
I've started mine, it's called "Occasional Stories from a Computer Science Student", and you can probably guess what it's going to contain.
I've already filled in one entry, and I'm sure you will go through a range of emotions as you read it.
While we hate to have more competition, I have to give credit when it's due. Congrats and well done Medium. 👏 The functionality, concept, and implementation is similar to our product Storyline; however, with a focus on writing. I do see some similarities in our design though. 🤔
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