Andrew Bryk

MediSafe - Cloud-synced mobile medication management platform


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Tori Bunte
While I see this as a completely useful tool when one is a caretaker or parent, I think this bit on their homepage is false: "People taking medication are typically not alone. A parent, child, spouse, or someone else close to them is taking some level of responsibility." I'd wager most people on medication from 18-65 are completely responsible for taking their medication.
Avi Zuber
@stttories It depends on why they're on medication, I think. I have a close relative in their 30's on meds for mental health, they do need reminders from family members. As did my grandfather in his 70's for other meds. Maybe their wording is off, but I think the sentiment is there.
Omri Bob Shor
@stttories Thanks. I understand what you're talking about but don't fully agree. Some stats: 700,000 people a year suffer a medical emergency due to mis-management of medication. 35,000 ppl a year die because of that. 86 million people in the US are diabetic or pre-diabetic. They sometimes need to take and we're there for them. 5% of women in the US have unplanned pregnancies, annually (54 of 1000). Even people 18-65 are busy and just forget. this forgetfulness can lead an emergency, pregnancy or just bad health. We've created Medisafe for them! The family connectivity and an added value.
Tori Bunte
@avizuber Important to note that mental health issues fall on a vast spectrum. I don't need to be reminded to take my medication because I can't live a full life without it. I'm moreso speaking from my experience and the experience of those around me who are on medication.
Tori Bunte
@omrishor The sentiment I was trying to get across is that the responsibility for taking medication often lays solely with the person taking it. My roommates and partners don't remind me to take medication, I'm 100% responsible for taking my medication. I'm not debating the definite need and purpose for your product, simply raising an issue with your wording.
Avi Zuber
@stttories What you said is 100% correct. It's ultimately a very personal issue, the product works for some and not for others. For those that *could* benefit from this sort of product, MediSafe happens offer a great UI/UX, so they got my upvote. But I equally hear what you're saying.
Avi Zuber
I got a chance to demo this a while ago, it's pretty solid. It's more than just reminders, you can also set it up with friends so they can help keep track with you, if you need that extra push.
Elizabeth M.
Thank you for developing this product. Many of my clients take multiple medications a day. It is difficult for them to keep up with all of them. I have attended several national disability rights conferences where advocates tried to use existing apps to fill this need. This product has the potential to provide peace of mind to caretakers.
Jon Michaeli
@leasemolina Thank you for taking the time to share.
Omri Bob Shor
Hi All. Very excited to be here. I'm Omri, co-founder and CEO of Medisafe. Ask me anything!
Jon Michaeli
Hi everyone - I head up marketing for MediSafe. Ask away!
Omri Bob Shor
@aviZuber, thanks for the shout out.
Jon Michaeli
@OmriShor I think you left off a zero by accident :). We're setting our sights much higher! Seriously, we want to help as many people as possible to stay in control of their health in the comfort of their homes, avoiding hospitals, unnecessary doctors, test and procedures. For many, being on top of their medication schedule is a great start. How do we do this? We listen to our users, we understand their challenges and frustrations, and we build the best product possible to serve their needs. Then we let them share their personal accounts with friends and loved ones. After all, 40% of Americans are prescribed at least one daily med by their doctors. Take David Julian for example (, who uses MediSafe to manage the 26 meds a day he takes to manage epilepsy, or ask one of the 65,000 people who have kindly shared reviews in the app stores about how MediSafe has helped them. If that's not enough motivation to do our very best, then I don't know what is.
Omri Bob Shor
So since you are all involved, I'll tell you a bit about us. We've started Medisafe after our father accidentally over medicated (he's fine today) and we have decided "NO MORE". Today, 3 years, $7M and 16 people later, Medisafe is a leading player in the space. 1.7M users, rated 4.5/5 by 65,000 users, 140,000,000 doses of medication taken using our apps so far. HQ located in Boston and R&D in Israel. Our newest product in Apple Watch to be even closer to the user, just launched a month ago. @JonMichaeli wanted to ask you how you're planning to take us to 10,000,000 users :-)
Omri Bob Shor
@jonmichaeli clearly 5M this year, more zeros to come. Nice chatting with you over this platform. Back to work now. J