Pawel Swiatek

Mazey - Notes, tasks, and messaging in a unified collaboration space


Mazey is an all-in-one solution for teams to share notes and documents, keep track of tasks, and talk about them. With chats that are connected to individual notes and to-do’s, conversations stay compartmentalized, focused and on-point.

Mazey is currently available on Android and iOS, with a web app coming soon!

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Pawel Swiatek
Hello Hunters and Makers -- This is Mazey’s PH debut, and we are incredibly excited to get your feedback! We built Mazey because we believe that teams deserve a better way to communicate, share knowledge, and track tasks than email or group chat. Our gripes with email will sound familiar. It’s too easy to leave people out of the information flow. Important communication gets lost in crowded inboxes. Reply-all chains are a horrible way to have a conversation. There is no common, shared updateable repository of important content, and if you want to track tasks, you need a separate tool. Multi-channel chat was supposed to be the panacea for email’s ills, but we think that it still comes up short. While the transparency it creates is wonderful, even with many, many open channels conversation topics tend to pile on top of each other in messy ways. This makes it hard to keep discussions on-point and arrive at decisions. It also means that the team is either “always-on” or some conversations scroll away without the benefit of everyone’s thoughtful engagement. Chat also fails to solve the knowledge repository problem: sure, you can post notes and files, but they become surprisingly difficult to retrieve after they scroll off screen. Oh, and there is still no task tracking. Mazey is our attempt at a different approach. With Mazey, you can still have tactical conversations in chat channels, but most content and discussions live in lightly structured sharing spaces called Noteboards. In addition, chat streams are connected to each piece of content, which gives them specific framing and context. Each note or file and its attached discussion becomes a valuable, compartmentalized and atomic knowledge artifact that can be easily retrieved when needed. Also, because the conversations are much more finely threaded, they can happen more slowly and thoughtfully … even asynchronously. We also added task tracking, because, you know, it was missing. We created Mazey for mobile users first, because teams that don’t work in front of a computer (think retail, hospitality, construction, etc…) don’t really have the luxury of stringing together Slack, Asana, Evernote and Dropbox with APIs - it’s just too hard! But we hope that any team will benefit from Mazey, and we’ll be coming back to Product Hunt with our web app before long. Thanks for checking us out and let us know what you think!
Sarang Lakare
@paswiatek I am so glad to see another team trying to solve this pain! We launched on PH today as well ( What a co-incidence that this happened on the same day. Good luck and let's stay in touch.
Pawel Swiatek
@saranglakare That's awesome! I think it means that the problem we're solving is real. I love your video, btw! Well done. Good luck and indeed, let's stay in touch!
Andrew Richard
Is like keep and messenger gave birth to a baby 😆
Pawel Swiatek
@basictechy Yes! And that baby is very organized and has an excellent memory. 😁 Thanks for checking us out!
Renny McPherson

Great for distributed teams of all sorts


Helps me maintain focus - helps efficiency and knowledge management. Thank you Mazey!


Bring us more features!

Michael Klein

So I am always a bit critical when it comes to collaboration Apps - so take all I say with a groin of Salt. - A Lot of stuff is just so Important.

Mazey does get good points with how it is organized and the look & feel in the UI is great. Also the possibility of multiple Groups is really nice.

Sadly I don't see a WebApp which is almost a dealbreaker for me, even for Private stuff. A Collaboration app I can't use on my PC? - Does not make sense for me personally.

As always with these Apps security is on the downside, no encrypted chats or files - everything open for the Admins to see. But in the End it is free so you can't expect encrypted collaboration.

Not sutable for EU-Business but maybe something we can look at a later time again.


Looks and feels really good


No WebApp

Pawel Swiatek
@omegatcu - Thank you very much for the thorough look and excellent feedback! The web app is in the works and should be landing in a few weeks. We've discussed E2E encryption as a paid feature down the road, but have hesitated to make that investment just yet. We'll give you a heads up when the web app launches! Thanks again.
Michael Klein
@paswiatek on Encryption it is pretty Simple: If you want to have customers from the EU you will need encryption or you have to be at least GDPR Complient. As for me I would never put Company Data in an unencrypted App, I know I'm a bit protective with that - I might not mind so much for private Collaboration on side Projects. - But then that's probably not what will pay the bills for you.
Pawel Swiatek
@omegatcu Yup, I completely understand. We just need to crawl, walk, and then run... and we'll get there. GDPR certainly raises the bar / means more work for startups like us, but it's obviously happening for very good reason. It probably does mean that first commercial traction for projects like ours will come from outside the EU...
Michael Klein
@paswiatek On the other hand - if you fulfill GDPR (and it's not really that hard) you do set a Signal for the rest of the customer Base as well. I mean where would you host your projects: Someone who complies with a standard from the EU or somebody else? - If you are interested in security or customer data you know your choice. But I let you hash that out for yourself - if you need feedback or help (or somebody to test stuff) you can write me :)
Lex Zhao
Hi Pawel - I love the approach! It's taking some of the knowledge sharing concepts from Slite and adding it to Slack, but mobile first. One suggestion would be to tie permissions around noteboards and taskboards access to specific channels.
Pawel Swiatek
Hey Lex - Thanks for taking a look! Yeah, we really think that chat won’t quite solve knowledge management, so a somewhat different capture method is needed. We are not the only ones trying to crack this, but hope to find traction among less technical audiences first. Thanks for the suggestion, it’s a good one! We’ll look into it.
Suraj Prabhu Ramdas

Love the constant improvement in the tool. The interface is clean and simple and keeps collaboration efficient. Curious to see how the UI scales with new features.


Simple, decluttered


Android version has some minor