Ozgur Ozer

Maze - Beautiful & actionable analytics for InVision prototypes

Maze is a tool for designers and developers that gives analytical results with actionable KPIs for your Invision prototypes.

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Jonathan Widawski
Thanks a lot for the hunt @ozgrozer ❤️ Too many businesses are wasting insane amounts of time and money building features just to realize that the design simply doesn’t work. This leads to frustration as teams end up rebuilding features instead of implementing new ones. We realized that there was a way to collect data much earlier in the process: performing quantitative user testing at the prototype phase to iterate quickly and effectively until your design is proven. This is why we created Maze: an affordable analytics and testing solution built on top of your InVision’s prototype. Let us know what you think, can't wait to read your feedback 🚀
yadav prasanth
@widawskij Made my life easy real easy. This will surely help for testing larger number of users. It had been very hard to watch every individual user videos. Now this give a good insight for quantitative analysis for apps. I just wanted to thank you Personally . Great work.
Jonathan Widawski
Wow thank you so much @riser_spy, really appreciating!
yadav prasanth
@widawskij Please ease out the Signing in and Signup with options like Twitter and google Login. Rest is cool. Thanks!!!
Jonathan Widawski
Great point @riser_spy, adding this to our backlog!
@widawskij great project that I’m certainly interested in! However, it’s out of my price range for what I want to use it for. Any plans for a student discount?
M Snyder

Was searching for a product like this to organize our invision prototype testing, at first glance this looks simple and useful. Being able to select and push your prototype to different test groups or finding different test groups through this service would be AMAZING!


Great for building and tracking user and design tests.


Doesn't work as well on screens that have a time change function, confuses where templated hotspots are

Domitille Haffner

I tested Maze with one of my invision prototype. The import is done automatically by copy pasting your invision link into Maze. Then you can create missions that your tester will have to complete. Once again all the experience is very intuitive.


So easy to take in hand - Very nice design - Intuitive - The analytics are very useful


nothing to report for the moment

Matt Cobb
Awesome product! Just had a play around, do you plan on offering any ability to collect other feedback from testers after they complete a test? The option to leave a comment somewhere would be useful.
Jonathan Widawski
Hey @mattjohncobb! While your maze is in draft mode, you can edit the end message testers will see once they complete the maze. You can add a link (to a google form for example) in the end message, and it will be parsed and highlighted! We plan on adding "rich testing" to our current solution by allowing you to add multiple choice questions, ratings and much more during a maze. That way, you'll be able to collect information on your product while also testing its interface! Hope that answers your question 🙌
Emmanuel Nataf
Absolutely love how easy it is to import a prototype. Any plans to develop something similar for Marvel?
Jonathan Widawski
Thank you @emmanuelnataf! Marvel isn't on our close roadmap, but we're not against the idea of doing something similar for other tools in the future!
Micha Wiebe
Nice Product! I think its one of the simplest yet most powerful extensions inVision hasn't launched (yet). As animation and transition in inVision evolve it should grow even more powerful. I'd like to know if you're planning on providing full recordings or maps of the mouse movements in a prototype? That would really make Maze a nice testing tool for new features. Thank you a lot!
Jonathan Widawski
Thank you @michawiebe! We are planning on adding the mouse movement map (for the desktop prototypes only, of course). We also have other features coming along in the upcoming months : - In-app testers hiring: ability to hire testers directly from and for your mazes! - Rich testing: multiple choice questions, ratings and more (think Typeform for testing). Hope that answers your question!
Daniel Wyb
@widawskij Really cool product and super useful - took me a while to get what it actually is from the headline. I would think think about making the value prop more simple. Something along the lines of: "Turn Invision prototypes into testable UX flows", etc. :)
Jonathan Widawski
Great feedback @danielwyb that’s way more meaningful: we’re now discussing this internally! Thanks for the love ❤️
Nitin Garg
Very useful. This is the kind of utility I always hoped invision would add natively. Will be definitely using it for a current project and excited to see how it grows. A future feature request would be to enable active feedback prompts (text, multiple options) at certain triggers/screens.
Jonathan Widawski
Thanks a lot @nitinmgarg! We plan on adding "rich testing" to our current solution (think typeform): multiple choice questions, ratings, binary questions and much more! Let me know if there's anything else you think about!
Cam Burley
Very cool. I always admire simplicity of really good products. You’re plugging into a current workflow, which makes my life as a designer, much easier 👍
Jonathan Widawski
Sending you a lot of love @codecamcode ❤️
Enrique Sabalza

Well, I might give it a couple more days of testing...


Amazing design!


None that I can see

M Snyder
@widawskij Been using this product today and besides some bugs I noticed and listed previously, I didn't see any way to turn on hotspot hints ( maybe intentional to test design? ) or have a tester Identify themselves as invision offers. When attaching the prototype to a maze both invision features are removed. Without the ability to track testers of the prototype with at least their name, It makes it difficult to know which users tested it and which did not, which makes paid user tests really difficult to do in the current version of the app. To me this is the achilles heel right now, I like all your features as it streamlines and normalizes the prototype instructions, but if I can't determine which users are completing it then I can't use it for paid tests.
Jonathan Widawski
You are on fire 🔥 Regarding the hotspot hints: we've learned that misclicks are an extremely valuable KPIs in Maze, and allowing for hotspot hint is a way to "hide" where your design is failing. Now you raise a great point, my only question would be: how would like this to be impletemented? If you were to give me the perfect scenario for you, what would it be? Thanks a lot for all the feedback, it means a lot!
M Snyder
@widawskij quick fix in my opinion would be when viewing the testers path, it says how many testers there were. The testers would be a clickable link that would open a modal/list of the testers name, email and perhaps IP location ( as you may want to ensure testers are in your local market). In this way a user can view which particular testers completed the maze and which didn't Attached image of where you could make this list entry point
Justin Mitchell
For what it's worth, your PH page provides more value to me than the website. I'd update the copy and some of the images to match what you have here.
Jonathan Widawski
Thanks for the feedback @itsthisjustin! Do you think including screenshots of the product would help or is it the copy only?
Justin Mitchell
@widawskij your open graph preview is perfect. I didn't see those images or the text on the page though
Jonathan Widawski
Oh that's right, we should use this @itsthisjustin! Great point!
Bruno Figueiredo

Sometimes you miss some things in a usability test because you were occupied applying the test and your test companion didn't take notes, so with Maze we're catching more things, we're more free to pay attention to just applying the test


Really good to better catch usability test results



Ashley Bezos
It is very useful app for me! Thank you!