I needed a simple, fast timer app that lived in my Mac's menu bar. When I'm working, I almost always have a timer running so that I can stay focused (and take breaks!)
But all the existing timer apps took waaaay too long to create a timer. They were so fiddly! I think that if starting a timer takes more than a second, your timer app sucks.
That's why I built Horo. With the natural language input, all it takes to create a timer is typing “45m” and hitting Return. I use it every day, and I think it's pretty neat.
Nice! Downloaded and enjoying it. 🙂 A useful Pro feature I'm missing is: in the Preferences being able to set if a number (without suffix) defaults to seconds (current behavior) or to minutes (this would be my preferred setting). Any chance you may add this feature? 😉
Thank you so much for making this @_matthewpalmer . The experience is simple and sleek. I am much better in control of time with Horo. Keep up with the good work!
Matthew Palmer
The Prompt Craftsman