Dik Medvešček Murovec

Math Embed - Embed LaTeX equations in articles, websites and more

Input math equations using LaTeX and then simply embed them wherever you want - Medium articles, websites, ...

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?makers cool! any chance for firefox plugin?
Žan Ožbot
@vasgo Thanks 😊 we'll add it soon.
Žan Ožbot
@vasgo firefox plugin is now available 🥳 https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US...
Eugene Hauptmann
Nice start! @zan_ozbot Can you add GitHub login and maybe clone the whole approach GitHub does Gists?
Žan Ožbot
Thanks @eugenehp 💪 We considered implementing login but ended up stripping everything except for the core functionalities. We might be adding features such as login, editing, and others in the future. It all depends on the traffic the app receives.
Dik Medvešček Murovec
I've always had this massive itch on Medium. No easy way to include math equations in your artices. This brings us to Math Embed. 📊📐 Math Embed is an easy way to embed math equations in your posts. Just open up the web app at http://mathembed.online or add it to your browser from the Chrome Store and start using equations in your articles or other media. Web app link 👇 http://mathembed.online Chrome Store link 👇 https://chrome.google.com/websto...