Mate Translate
Translate voice and text Into 100 languages on all devices
Jack Smith
Mate Translate for iMessage β€” Chat in any language in iMessage

Mate Translate for iMessage (previously, it was Instant Translate) is an ultimate app to chat from within iMessage in 103 languages.

Ryan Hoover
Super creative. It won't be long before language no longer becomes a barrier to connect with others, online and IRL. The harder challenge will be translating cultural differences, where one-to-one word translation means different things.
Alex Chernikov
@patprokesch please, enlighten me how their keyboard helps to translate cultural differences, where one-to-one word translation means different things? By the way, quality of translations itself in iTranslate is worse than in Instant Translate. Just try to translate a few sentences on your own πŸ˜‰
Bernd Kampl
@alex_chernikov @patprokesch how does your keyboard help to translate cultural differences?
Alex Chernikov
@berndkampl we don't have a keyboard, first of all. Cash in on your popularity? I did neither mention you for the first time, nor said we translate cultural differences.
Mack Flavelle
The site doesn't have the name of the app anywhere I think. Got confused searching the app store! Looks neat, excited to try.
Patrick Wang
I keep waiting for this to show up in Slack
Ouriel Ohayon
the recipient has to have the app to get the translation? is the translation done by the sender? or in the recipient device automatically after he installs the app?
Andrii Liakh
@ourielohayon only the sender has to have the app installed.
Ouriel Ohayon
@liakh_andrii ok. Just tried it. It s less convenient than I expected. You have first to launch the app in iMessage. Then pick the language of translation. The real breakthrough would be to write natural whatever you write and it would be translated in the language of the recipient based on his device language
Andrii Liakh
@ourielohayon I agree that your way is more convenient, but we are limited to current Apple's APIs that doesn't allow us to read the user's messages, only the one he has selected and only if it's sent from our extension. So I think it won't be that comfortable for the recipient to use.
Shaan Puri
@ourielohayon @staringispolite built exactly that at our hack day on saturday! No input required. Just chat and it'll translate messages into your native language automatically
@shaanvp @ourielohayon @staringispolite I hear a collaboration coming soon ..
Max Ciociola
Love it !!
Stefan Natter
Looks promising. I definitely have to test this one.
At first I was like "if you're using the Google Translate API, why not just DL Google Translate?" But then I figured having it handy in iMessage is a pretty significant convenience - and it looks nice and everything! @insttranslate @_jacksmith @alex_chernikov @liakh_andrii
steffan pedersen
Love this!
Cody McLain
This is dope! Very promising and I'm excited to try this. Great work guys! :D
Alex Chernikov
@codymclain thank you! ;)
Alexandru Porcescu
Cool idea. On web landing page I would tweak a little bit the header. Maybe "Polyglot in your pocket" to make it more personal. And description: Break the language barriers! Dictionary, text-to-speech and offline history in 104 languages." Just my humble opinion.
Nathan Vander Heyden
How accurate are the translations? I'm a translator and very interested in machine translation as well, I assume you're using huge chat corpora? Would love to know this!
Alex Chernikov
@translatelab the translations are Google API accurate, since we are using their API ;)
Nathan Vander Heyden
@alex_chernikov Understood. It's a nice shortcut for people (not having to switch Google Translate <-> iMessage) but I would have loved to see 99% accurate chat translations (though it'd be a lot of work to go through all the corpora...)! Maybe for the future ;-)
Steven Rueter
Very cool! Definite download.
Alex Chernikov
Hi hunters! Thanks to @_jacksmith once again for hunting us! You may have already seen Mate Translate on PH, but today we have a very special occasion to be here again: it's a release of the Mate Translate for iMessage Extension. Actually, it is not the only new feature in a brand new 2.0 version we released yesterday, but perhaps the most prominent and promising one, since Apple and iPhone users tend to set their hope on iMessage apps. Using our iMessage app, you will be able to chat with people even if you don't speak a common language. You will write in your language, Mate Translate will translate it instantly and attach the translation to the message, so that you send the translation. Currently, there are 103 languages supported, including auto detection. Apart the iMessage app, you will get a bunch of other features in this version of our iOS app, such as Lock Screen Widget for translation of the clipboard contents on-the-fly and speech recognition in over 40 languages. The app can be downloaded from the App Store free of charge, so I can only wish you a good luck and ask you for some feedback here!
Eva Shorina
@_jacksmith @alex_chernikov I can't find it on iOS. Is this app still alive?
Anthony Stylianou
Look forward to testing this out!
Rudy Lee
I like the phrasebook option! It helps me to keep track of the words I constantly forget! XD
Eva Shorina
I can't find it on iOS. Is this app still alive?