Cam Woodsum

#Masks4All - Wear a homemade mask to slow the spread of COVID-19


The scientific evidence is overwhelming that we can reduce virus transmission with homemade masks. Please protect yourself and others by wearing a homemade mask in public and asking that others do the same!

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Cam Woodsum
Hi All! #Masks4All is a movement to get people to embrace the scientific evidence and wear homemade masks in public to slow the spread of COVID-19. #Masks4All was originally started by Petr Ludwig in the Czech Republic but a collection of us are now helping to popularize mask usage in the U.S. and around the world. It's Viral: Jeremy Howard wrote a viral Washington Post article ( on Saturday about why Americans need to wear homemade masks. This article sparked a nationwide grassroots movement in the U.S. It has caused a big enough stir on social media and in the news that President Trump and Dr. Fauci publicly commented on the use of homemade masks yesterday. The U.S. CDC has also announced that it's now reconsidering its mask guidelines. How You Can Help: 1. Please go to to learn more and to learn about how to make a mask at home 2. Please share your mask photo and/or join the conversation on social media using #masks4all 3. Automatically photoshop a mask onto your social media profile to increase the virality Contributors: A lot of awesome people have contributed to this project! Many are listed in the maker section.
Cam Woodsum
@newvicklee thanks for the tip! Right now they have a N95 mask filter which I'm hoping they'll remove because the #1 concern of policymakers is that the public will take masks from medical professionals.
Coen van Mourik
I would be careful with this kind of unproven information. People think that they are protected and will be taking more risk then they would do without any mask. Staying at home is the way to go.
Lou Acresti
@coenvanmourik Would you also recommend that people stop wearing seatbelts in the car so they will drive more carefully?
Antonio Viggiano
@coenvanmourik Agreed. Although there is a correlation between "no masks" and "steep curve", you cannot prove there is causality.
Cam Woodsum
@coenvanmourik @aviggiano There is a lot of scientific evidence showing that homemade masks will help to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Please visit to learn more about the research and evidence. Some excerpts: “Analyses show that if 50% of the population were to wear masks, only 50% of the population would be infected by the virus. Once 80% of the population wears a mask, the outbreak can be stopped immediately.” 2019 Study Published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine “Any type of general mask use (including homemade masks) is likely to decrease viral exposure and infection risk on a population level, in spite of imperfect fit and imperfect adherence.” –2008 Study Published In The U.S. National Library of Medicine “There is emerging evidence that asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is possible…everyone, including people without symptoms, should be encouraged to wear nonmedical fabric face masks while in public.“ –Scott Gottlieb, Former U.S. FDA Commissioner “A double layer of 100% cotton cloth is about 70% as effective as a surgical mask at capturing small particles (up to five times smaller than coronavirus).” –Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India (study #1 & study #2) “The study proves the importance of washing hands and wearing face masks in public places because the virus can linger in the air attached to fine droplet particles.” –Study published in the peer-reviewed Practical Preventative Medicine “Implementing barriers to transmission, such as isolation, and hygienic measures (wearing masks, gloves and gowns) can be effective in containing respiratory virus epidemics.” –Study from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Oleksii Vasylenko
@coenvanmourik @aviggiano @camwoodsum Let`s make correlation between bubble tea drinkers and non bubble tea drinkers. It will be more accurate. Officially till last week Singapore population was wearing only 6% masks. It is official statistic. Please do not spread unproven correlations. Mask can protect. But it is not related to the curves directly. And it is better to remove this misleading image.
Coen van Mourik
Wearing seatbelts are tested and proven to save lives. Homemade mask not. If I would say that wearing a shower cap helps me to be successful at work you also won’t believe that without some research. I would suggest to share the whole story, so also the research that it is not save, so people can draw their own conclusions.
Cam Woodsum
@coenvanmourik Hi Coen, there is a lot of scientific evidence showing that homemade masks will help to slow the transmission of COVID-19 and your comment is exactly why we built and shared this site. Please visit to learn more about the research and evidence. Some excerpts: “Analyses show that if 50% of the population were to wear masks, only 50% of the population would be infected by the virus. Once 80% of the population wears a mask, the outbreak can be stopped immediately.” 2019 Study Published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine “Any type of general mask use (including homemade masks) is likely to decrease viral exposure and infection risk on a population level, in spite of imperfect fit and imperfect adherence.” –2008 Study Published In The U.S. National Library of Medicine “There is emerging evidence that asymptomatic and presymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is possible…everyone, including people without symptoms, should be encouraged to wear nonmedical fabric face masks while in public.“ –Scott Gottlieb, Former U.S. FDA Commissioner “A double layer of 100% cotton cloth is about 70% as effective as a surgical mask at capturing small particles (up to five times smaller than coronavirus).” –Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India (study #1 & study #2) “The study proves the importance of washing hands and wearing face masks in public places because the virus can linger in the air attached to fine droplet particles.” –Study published in the peer-reviewed Practical Preventative Medicine “Implementing barriers to transmission, such as isolation, and hygienic measures (wearing masks, gloves and gowns) can be effective in containing respiratory virus epidemics.” –Study from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Tim Moss
#StayAtHome no need for a mask! Simples!
Cam Woodsum
@tim_moss1 :). Many people do need to go outside to get food (and sometimes water) though. Yes, we should stay at home as much as we can.
I understand why the US strategically told the public not to buy N95 masks, in order to reserve them for the healthcare workforce. It's vital we have enough healthy medical professionals to service the public. But we should've encourage N95 alternatives and educated the public sooner. It's basic heard mentality of reducing your spread, and it likely reduces the risk of touching your own face. Idk tho, I just make memes.
Cam Woodsum
@armand Agreed. Please make memes with this :)
Everyone should get masks
hao li
As early as the end of January, most people in China will wear masks when they go outside. Wearing masks effectively reduces the spread of the virus. I hope people in other parts of the world will wear masks when they go outside to protect themselves and others.
Tina Jang
If everyone wore mask, society wouldn't have to stop functioning. Wearing mask provides a physical barrier between face and outside world, also reduces the urge to touch face with hands. Even so, there are certain rules how to put on and take off a mask without leaving germs and virus on the face or hands.
Taha Maddam, CFA
Not all masks are equal to protect against virus:
Cam Woodsum
@tahatayyab While you aren't wrong, the image that you shared is sourceless and has been circulating the internet and misleading the public. The science clearly shows that that image is incorrect and that any mask is better than no mask.
Laura Fitton
this is great and it's featured on my #PPEIndex under makers and under buying your own personal mask: great work friends.
Cam Woodsum
@pistachio Thank you!
Petr Bela
Great initiative! Btw the Slack link at About Us > Join Our Team seems to be invalid.
Peter Podolinský
Hi guys, if making them at home proves to be too difficult, we are bringing original hand-sewn non medical reusable masks made by seamstresses in the Czech republic to the U.S. soon. We could not have sent it until now, as DHL had restrictions to export them, placed by our government regulations, but these restrictions were now lifted. Check them at and preorder if you want, they should be in the U.S. in the next week or so.