Raz Karmi

Mars or Earth - Crowdsourcing comments for Possibilities on Mars πŸ”΄


Mars or Earth is an excellent platform for you to browse through photos of Mars conveniently

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I think it's easier and better to improve our home planet than instead of trying to grow grass on Mars.
R. Fancsiki
@dayaldave I wanted to say exactly that. I can't understand why all this spending of brilliant minds, money, time and energy into escaping to Mars, when we already have a much better planet to start with. I love space, SF, I grew up on all the SF books I could find. I really feel that this Mars trend is very romantic, maybe in an other life I would go myself too. Still, even if humanity succeeds in colonizing Mars in many years from now, it would be at the expense of taking care of our home planet. Our children, my daughter, will have to live here, on this planet. We, all the majority remaining here we'll have to deal with what is here. Please, bright minds thinking about Mars, look at Earth instead. Humans have the bad habit of moving into a place, consume the found resources then move to the next place after leaving a lot of garbage behind. Now, we filled this planet with garbage and we look to the next one? What tells this about us, humans?
@fancsiki Humans are self-centered and selfish... And not giving consideration for other species and natural resources... Those who're going behind MARS have other hidden intentions... !!!
Wong Seng Wee
@fancsiki @dayaldave I think depleting resources is one issue but we humans have always had the appetite for new adventures and the desire to explore terra incognita. From Marco Polo to the present generation of people, we all love to travel and explore new places. There is nothing said about being selfish and not taking care of Earth. Mars is just but another new exciting adventure for all of us humans.
@cogitoergosumsw We better try to do all adventures inside the earth for their own sake... Humans are smart but their body is not as strong and independent as they think they are... Going or living outside the earth is quite equal to going or living much deeper in the ocean... We're meant to live inside the earth... That's the way we were created... We're smart.... but we're ignorant fools as well....!!!!
Al Ramich (CEO loomi.ai)
Cool idea. You should check out Creative Destruction Lab accelerator, space stream
Wong Seng Wee
@loomiassistant thanks for sharing! this program is very relevant to what I'm doing here at Mars or Earth!
Such a creative idea! 😍 Please make an Android or web app, I can't wait to get my hands on it!!! πŸ™πŸ™
Wong Seng Wee
@booligoosh thanks for your interest! currently tight on resources, but I'll try my best to make an android version soon! Do sign up for our newsletter at https://marsorearth.com or like our official Mars or Earth Facebook page to stay updated with our latest news! :)
Wong Seng Wee
Hi all! I am the maker of Mars or Earth. Mars or Earth is a comment-crowdsourcing app which aim to gather comments on the Mars photos to help the scientists advance their research on space exploration. You can click on the photos and comment on the photo you find interesting. All comments will be posted on the Twitter account @teammarsorearth for all to view and share. I believe that humans terraforming Mars is an important task. Currently there is still little interest in the space industry. WHY THIS APP There are 2 main reasons, 1. As aforementioned, there are so many photos sent back by the Curiosity Rover everyday. There is a very very slim chance where the staff at NASA may miss out certain details in the photos which MAY make a difference to our mission to colonise the Red Planet. By creating a platform for people to browse through the photos and post comments on the photos conveniently, we effectively increase our chances to spot any anomalies on Mars. 2. Generate interest in space exploration. Interplanetary colonisation is a far-fetched notion to many but it is an ambition we should all aspire towards. It may be a mission which will last through 2 or more generations of people yet we should treat it seriously. Resources on Earth will run out eventually and it is high-time to look for sustenance for our future generations. The space community is still relatively small and more work can be done to get more people interested in the space industry.
Alex G
Thanks for making the app! No offense but I don't think many people would want to browse through 100s of black & white photos on a tiny screen looking for anomalies. Also people like us are not scientists and don't really know what to look for, so our comments are probably not going to be that useful to the scientific community... Don't take my comment the wrong way, just trying to share my point of view... Thanks!
Wong Seng Wee
@alexwinkyface yeah I understand what you mean. I hope to generate more interests in future Mars missions as well through the app. I had a epiphany one day to make this app and I just went ahead to give this idea a try! thanks for your honest opinion! :)
Archer Wearne
Great idea! Can’t wait to check it out!
Jeremy Derrick
Great idea! Excited to use it soon!
Steven King