Deep Kakkad

MarketingCareers - Curated Marketing Jobs, Trends, and AI Secrets!


Jumpstart your marketing journey with MarketingCareers! It's your go-to spot for discovering the coolest jobs and latest trends in marketing. Plus, insider tips on using AI. Simple, fun, and super useful for all of you marketers and entrepreneurs!

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Deep Kakkad
Hi PH Fam! 🙋‍♂️ As someone who teaches marketing, I have to stay updated with all the marketing fundamentals and trends. This newsletter is my way of sharing my interesting finds with a broader audience. The newsletter is a blend of job opportunities, industry insights, and the latest in AI. Questions? Thoughts? Comments? Happy to chat! 💎
Zayana Paulse Williams
Hi there @dkakkad99! Congrats on your launch and thank you for creating something for us fellow marketers! We are constantly looking for new trends in the market as well as new opportunities so knowing that we can find this all in one place is so great! Thank you for thinking about our struggles and creating something that benefits us!
Deep Kakkad
@zayana_paulse_williams thank you so much. I am glad that you find this useful.