Stanislav Nikitin

Caption This — Create a smart caption for your photo in a second!


Caption This enables users to quickly generate smart captions for images. We can easily expand the functionality of the bot: add ability to generate tags, add quotes from famous movies, accept words and phrases in addition to images, etc. The bot is a prototype of a mobile app to be built in the near future.

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How does the bot know to suggest a relevant caption? @s_nikitin
Stanislav Nikitin
@abadesi The bot includes 3 layers of AI. 1. Computed vision to recognize concepts shown in the photo. 2. Natural language processor to pre-analyze quotes and mark them with keywords. 3. Simple AI to combine date from 1 with 2 At the moment it’s just a POC. It's our 3-year old toddler: sometimes it can say something stupid, not relevant, but it's fun to talk to him anyway:) Ny the way, did you like it? Was it able to guess your mind?
Stanislav Nikitin
We recently added Like, Dislike and More By This Author buttons to the bot. Click on the Dislike button generates a new caption for the image uploaded. Like just gives us a positive feedback. The work on More By This Author button is in progress: click on it will display a new quote (that is not relevant for the image uploaded) from the same author.
Sonu Singh
The tags can be a bit irrelevant. But I guess that can improve. When do you come out with the app? @s_nikitin
Stanislav Nikitin
@sonu_singh1 Thanks for your feedback! Yes, the algorithm can be improved for sure. And this is what we're currently working on! The process of improving this algorithm is actually endless, so we plan to improve it just a bit for now (within the next month). After that we'll start working on a mobile app and release one in a couple of more months.