Harry Dry

My Twitter Inspiration Handbook - The best brand tweets grouped into categories.

A gallery of the best brand tweets. Inspiration for twitter folk.

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Harry Dry
When I started on Twitter I had no idea what I was doing. So I made one big Google Doc where I started saving all the best β€œbrand tweets” and grouped them into categories. Today, it's ready to share. I hope you find it useful.
Klim Yadrintsev
@harrydry Amazing handbook Harry! Thanks for the hard work.
Harry Dry
@klim_yadrintsev cheers for reading klim :)
guilty - upvoted before even looking at it cos I saw marketing examples logo πŸ˜‚
Harry Dry
@graeme_fulton lovely compliment. Cheers Graeme :)
Dan Siepen
Amazing work Harry! This is awesome mate :)
Harry Dry
@dansiepen thank you dan. cheers ;)
Victor Ribero
In love with your work Harry πŸ‘! I've already shared this with many people.
Harry Dry
@victor_ribero Cheers Victor. Means a lot. Cheers :)
Fajar Siddiq
nice work ;) love the copy congrats on the launch
Harry Dry
@fajarsiddiq thanks chief. appreciate it
Dawid Cedrych
Whenever you launch a new product or send your newsletter, it's like my birthday πŸ₯³
Harry Dry
@dcedrych hahah! lovely lovely comment. Cheers Dawid!
Michaela Greiler
Hey Harry, looks really slick. I like it! Congrats on the launch!
Harry Dry
@mgreiler thanks Michaela :)
Robin Vander Heyden
Harry always comes up with good stuff!
Vincent Denise
Great compilation Harry!
Harry Dry
@yesnoornext Monsieur Denise. Thank you sir!
Kate Makulova
Great resource! Congrats
Harry Dry
@katemakulova Cheers Kate. Appreciate it :)
Harry Dry
@alexandra_m_co_e thanks Alexandra. Appreciate it :)
Kacper Staniul
Good stuff, Harry! Bookmarked!
Harry Dry
@kacper_staniul Thank you chief :)
Whit Anderson
This is epic Harry. Thanks for sharing! πŸ™
Harry Dry
@whit_anderson Cheers Whit. Appreciate it :)
Omg it's like a big dive in joyscrolling moments. Loving it.
Jana Filipovic
Would love StorifyMe to be as loved today as @harrydry products πŸ˜‚
Harry Dry
@jana_filipovic haha. look at my bio. I launched something and had 5 upvotes once. StorifyMe is cool and wish you luck :)
Bryce McKernan
@harrydry thanks for this!! Do you plan to update it with relevant content (memes, references, etc.) moving forward?
Harry Dry
@bryce_mckernan the dream is to embed tweets. Meaning I can just drop more in effortlessly... Problem is I struggled with the layout. Hopefully give this a go in due course :)
Dan Benoni
Big up. Nice collection!
Harry Dry
@danbenoni thank you my man :)
Eddie Shleyner
Hell yeh, @harrydry! Great stuff. Keep it up! πŸ‘πŸ‘
Harry Dry
@harrydry @verygoodcopy Cheers Eddie. Appreciate it :)
Kieran Ball
Great work Harry πŸ‘