SurveySense by Marcom Robot
Collect customer feedback with online CSAT and NPS surveys.

Marcom Robot Customer Feedback Tool — Collect customer feedback with online CSAT and NPS surveys.

Customer feedback tool by Marcom Robot makes it easy to gauge customer sentiment, quantify customer loyalty, and get to know how your customers really feel about your products, services, or interactions with your team.

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This particular product was initially contemplated as an internal tool to help our team at Marcom Robot better understand how our customers feel about our products, services and interactions with our support organization. Then... as our support agents started using smiley face surveys in their email signatures, we started getting questions from the customers about the software we were using... long story short, we put a lot of effort into creating our own customer feedback/customer survey tool with one-question surveys (CSAT, NPS) and regular multi-questions surveys. We've got BIG plans for this tool and the team here is committed to making this the best customer feedback tool ever!