Matt Wiechec

Marco Polo 2.0 - Find your phone by shouting MARCO!

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GREAT idea, downloading now and trying it out the next time I misplace my phone. (Knowing myself it wont be long...) EDIT: Oh my god the "Clinton" voice... HA HA HA! Good stuff!
Matt Wiechec
@sleinadsanoj I love seeing how everyone chooses their favourite voice. Keep using the app, or come back after a few hours, and you'll get a chance to unlock former president Bush :)
@mattwiechec Innovative idea. Wishing you great success :)
Matt Wiechec
We've made our largest update yet, adding lots of fun new features. Version 2.0 brings some big improvements including the first iOS 8 widget to help you find misplaced devices right from your Notification Center. Just swipe down to reveal Notification Center and Marco Polo will automatically find any device around you. It’s like having Find My iPhone available from the lock screen! We’ve also introduced Custom Responses to customize what your device shouts back. Choose from responses like "I'm Over Here", "Who's There?", "iPhone Reporting", and even enter your own phrase! Seriously. It can't get any more inappropriate than that. Plus new voices like Arnold, Movie Guy, Sly, Bush, Kermit! and much more. Let the shenanigans begin!
Matt Wiechec
Anyone want to try the new Nearby Widget at work for me? Marco Polo your coworkers when you need their attention :)
Laurence Moore
this is so innovative! it'll be the first app i d/l when i purchase an ipad air 2
Vivek M George
@mattwiechec congrats on 2.0! Just clarify, so the app has to be "turned on", correct?
Matt Wiechec
@VivekMGeorge there's a switch in the app to turn on the microphone—you'll need this if you're shouting for instance. However, you can independently use the new Nearby feature without turning on the microphone. Just toggle Discoverable on in the app settings. Did I get your question?
Aron Sebastian
Awesome idea. Will definitely come in handy for me :)
Ziink A
I say "OK Google Now" and my Moto X responds. That works for me. This is great though. Question: How does Marco Polo affect battery life?
Matt Wiechec
@ziinko during testing I left the app running on a phone throughout the day, and over nights to perform tests on battery drain and did not see any dramatic impact. Although, I've found that this varies from person to person (of course). Full day battery should be very achievable when running the app on an iPhone.
Matt Wiechec
@ziinko part of the reason we added the new Nearby Widget was to address issues people experienced with battery. Using BLE there is practically no drain.
Mikel Gonzalez
Why isn't it on the U.S. App Store?