Ryan Hoover

Marco Polo - Find your phone by shouting MARCO!

If you've ever lost or misplaced your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch somewhere nearby but can't quite remember where, the Marco Polo app will help you quickly find your device with just your voice. Just shout out loud MARCO! and your hidden device will ring back POLO! so that you can find it.

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Mikel Gonzalez
Why isn't it available on the US app store?
This is a funny idea One of the reviews is kinda great "...we were trying to listen to an audio book (no, it wasn't Marco Polo, and no character was named Marco or even Mark) and the app repeatedly shouted Polo over the top if the book." Haha
Ryan Hoover
This isn't just a utility. It's fun. Side note: this functionality would be a nice addition for Tile.
Andrew Strong

Not available on Australian app store.


Awesome idea


Make available on Australian app store.

Luca Manassero
Available in the US store... Other countries not allowed ;-)
Joe Barber
The red bar is kind of annoying, but more annoying is how many times it's misfired on me this morning. Every time someone has come up to my desk to talk to me it's gone off at least once. I think I'm going to have to relegate this to a novelty for now. I am curious how much battery strain it has over a day though. Anyone who is really using it should shoot an update later!
Nikita Korotaev
Ingenious! It's unfortunate that because of iOS limitations, iPhone will have red bar at the top showing that the app is listening in the background. Oh, iOS...
Jack Smith
looks awesome. @nikitakorotaev oh that sucks. I imagine this will drain the battery a lot
Andy Keil
Yeah, battery life was my major concern.
Stefano Bernardi
This is just awesome. Unfortunately I can't stand a red bar fully on, so won't use it :(
Jesse Middleton
When I saw this I immediately wanted to download it but alas, it has that "red bar" issue. I'm sure there are some other very creative people out there who will figure out either a) ways around this Apple limitation or b) even more innovative ways of helping others find their phone.
Spencer Schoeben
This is hilarious. Curious to see how well it actually works.
Riccardo Arvizzigno
Awesome, thank you @rrhoover !
Matt Wiechec
@cyborgnation try changing the input phrase to something more complex if it is misfiring. (for example from "MARCO" to "HELLO JOE")
Matt Wiechec
The red status bar is pretty unfortunate on iOS. I am trying to find some creative workarounds to this and hoping iOS 8 opens up new possibilities if there are none now.
Joe Barber
I didn't even realize you could change the phrase. That's great!
Danni Auer
Just bought it. It doesn't work. Don't waste your money.
Alexandre Vallières-Lagacé
That wasn't long... it's already pulled. Regarding that red bar, that's a good thing Apple put this in place. It's a quick and easy way to see if an app is listening. Without it, any app could listen and record your private life. Also, re: the battery life. Why do you think the Echo and Echo Dots are plugged in? ;)
Lasse R
I usually just scream "HEY SIRI" 😬
Liam Roberts
Bring it back to the feed!