Most importantly you are contributing to OpenStreetMap and enabling to world to see those places where there is no Street Level Photo coverage :) Example If you want to explore some Archeological sites in Cozumel (near Cancún-Mexico)
I’m one of the creators of Mapillary. We just launched the new Mapillary to help people explore the world in photos. Send me any questions or feedback.
@rafaecheve Hi, I’m Kamil, one of the Mapillary devs. Speaking of tourism, here's Seville's Alcazar, where Game of Thrones was filmed and here's Burning Man capture from last year There are much more interesting places on Mapillary, just browse around :)
@joyfulwreason Thank you for the kind words! Did we say that anyone can upload to Mapillary from practically all types of devices? We support action cameras (GoPro, Garmin and the like), mobile photos (taken with or without Mapillary apps), DSLR, 360 degree panoramas (taken with apps, cameras like Ricoh Theta or professional, high grade equipment).