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Mariana Costa

Embarkation — Embark on hackathon universe

Find information about events, next hackathons, photos from latest hackathons, a space that you can evaluate the hackathons that you participated and more.
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Mariana Costa
Hey everyone 👋 My name is Mariana and I am Business Developer with a passion to solve problems. 📖 Story: So have you spent all this time trying to find more information about hackathons that have already happened? And still trying to find the next events that will occur? We started going to hackathons and found the need to find dates, event information, participants and analysis, but since there was no network to centralize this hackathon universe -> so we built one! 📅 💡How: Embarkation is an evaluation network of attendees and hackathons where you can find information about events and more. But, who is this project for? 🤔 For everyone who has never participated in a hackathon 🐣 For everyone who loves to hackathon😍 For everyone who wants to organize a hackathon📔 🤖 Tech tools: - ReactJS - Google Cloud - Swagger - NodeJs - TypeScript - Axios - Material-UI frontend Hey, tell us about your impressions with the Embarkation, together we can build a tecnology world!❤️👂 Cheers, The NoFrontiers team 💭💡🔗
kleber nobrega
Interesting to get in touch with this kind of events. Good oportunity for students to look for and to know these competitions
Mariana Costa
@kleber_nobrega Thank you Kleber, we love to hear it!