Rishi Athanikar

Time Map by Mapbox - Rethinking maps based on time to travel


In this time map, we preserve the direction of each point, relative to the user. But the visual distance from that center point is determined by the time it takes to get there, whether driving, biking, or on foot.

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Rishi Athanikar
"In this time map, we preserve the direction of each point, relative to the user. But the visual distance from that center point is determined by the time it takes to get there, whether driving, biking, or on foot." https://blog.mapbox.com/a-new-ki...
@arishi_ thanks for sharing!
Juliette Pretot
Always wanted to have something like this. It's especially useful on cities where the distance of places is defined mostly by the time of public transport, not distance. thanks for building!
@laurajuliettep thanks for trying it out!
Jarod Stewart
I love this... it helps you to remember that some things might not be that far away after all...
@stewartjarod glad you liked it!
Michael Goldstrom
Designed for LA (and now most every other city), fantastic.