Hey there Product Hunters!
We're super excited to launch Mapbox Mobile on iOS! Our open source SDK lets developers add beautiful maps to their apps. See an example below and please let us know what you think!
@ourielohayon Mapbox GL comes with gorgeous, well thought-out map styles and continuously updated data from OpenStreetMap. Support for your own custom styles and a location analytics dashboard are coming soon. And the SDK, styles, and underlying map data are all open source.
@ourielohayon Mapbox makes raw OSM data presentable. Perhaps you want the map’s style to match your brand, or less clutter to better highlight your own data. We’re building a design studio allowing you to visually customize every detail of the maps you display in your app. (We’ve previously released similar tools for customizing raster maps.) Mapbox also provides worldwide terrain data and satellite imagery that you can combine with the base map layer. Take a look at https://www.mapbox.com/design/ for some examples of Mapbox’s customization capabilities.
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