Derek Shanahan

Mini Mammoth - Powerful research companion from Mammoth

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Derek Shanahan
Been a real pleasure watching Mammoth evolve. Karan and team are building something really unique, and this extension is an important piece of the pie. I'd love to hear more about why they built it, and how it fits into the larger vision for Mammoth. In all honestly, Mammoth falls into the "I want to use this" category of products but I still haven't found my killer use case (Evernote's another) - I'd love to hear more about how the team tackles this problem, or whether it's actually even a problem at all. I think notes and collaboration is a huge space with endless use cases, so how do you focus on specific users to serve?
Karan M Gupta
Thanks for the kind words Derek. We live in the browser for a big part of our day. After relying on traditionally passive web-clippers for years, I really desired something more proactive. So, we cleaned up two whiteboards, and came up with something uniquely different. Here's an example of one of our users: this Chief Scientist at a life sciences company frequently saves research and publications from PubMed ( When he re-visits that website, Mini Mammoth proactively tells him about the last paper he saved, and in which board. Another user, she does brand design, relies on the Chrome extension to notify her of new messages from her clients across any of her boards, and immediately reply to them, no matter which website she's on. We've tried to design this product with simple, natural interactions, and a great deal of functionality. I think once you use it, it might become an invaluable part of your day. Would love to hear more feedback :)
Karan M Gupta
Hi fellow hunters, I'm Karan, one of the founders of Mammoth. I started Mammoth to solve a personal frustration with evernote's post-its model and having to additionally rely on dropbox, gdrive, and emails/IMs to organize files, online research and messages. Mammoth is beautiful, collaborative, publishable notes; like having your personal wikipedia. It's in private beta, but we're activating everyone who signs up. If you already have Mini Mammoth installed, you skip the waiting list immediately! Would love to hear your feedback :)
Karan M Gupta
If you want to try Mammoth right away, just add "" to a board :)
Blake Robinson
I'd never heard of Mammoth. Interested in trying it out. Looks like it's still waitlist though.
Karan M Gupta
@blake Hi Blake, just gone ahead and activated your account!
Tori Bunte
I bit the "reserve your URL" CTA but can't choose /tori because there's a 5 character minimum. Sad panda :(
Karan M Gupta
@stttories yes you can :) Sign up and I'll enable it for you.