Pop-Up Coworking Community
David Spinks

MakeSpace — Pop-Up Coworking Community

David Spinks
Just discovered this community and met with the founder @jenny_feinberg. It's pretty brilliant, she basically finds underutilized space like restaurants, cafes etc during off hours and turns them into pop up coworking spaces. It's all donation based so it attracts a lot of creatives, artists, entrepreneurs and others who want the coworking experience but can't afford to pay $300+ for a desk somewhere. And the restaurants love it because it's a guaranteed full house for a day where they usually make nothing. Excited to see this grow (they're raising a small amount of money on smallknot right now if you want to support it:
Jason Keath ⚡️
@davidspinks For a second I thought you were saying uses cafes to store their boxes. This makes a lot more sense though. Cool idea.
David Spinks
@jasonkeath heh yeah I realized there was another company with the same name when I looked it up to make sure this wasn't already hunted.
Jenny Feinberg
Inspired by Richard Florida's Rise of the Creative Class (, I decided that working out of cafes solo was getting kinda lonely and lame. Makespace is a community of 130+ creative souls who are genuinely curious and supportive of each other's projects while also being respectful of boundaries and quiet to get to work. Think college library/campus center for the real world. We've had a dozen gatherings in SF so far and we're excited to expand to more cities soon. Working from home doesn't have to be so isolating. Here's a short post about our Quiet Tribe and why it keeps growing:
Any liability/insurance issues for people being in a space during off hours?
Teresa Hammerl
This is great! Can't wait to try it.
Zack Miller
literally was just talking about an idea like this yesterday. Nice work, @jennyfeinberg
Alex Kehr
This looks really cool!