Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Makerbook - A directory of the best free resources for creatives

Makerbook is a hand-picked directory of the best free resources for creatives.

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Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
I love how Startup Stash has inspired others to also create directories with awesome tools for different types of people. @craigjbarber decided to make one for creatives - super cool to see!
Craig Barber
Thanks for posting @bramk! Makerbook is a hand-picked directory of the very best, free resources for creatives, designers, art directors and makers of digital products. The site features a curated list of over 65 websites where you can easily download free, high quality stock photography, psd mockups, graphics, textures, stock video footage, icons, sound effects, fonts, music and colour swatches. All the types of things you, or your design / marketing teams need to create and market digital products like presentations, websites, apps etc. I put the site together for myself ( a marketing / creative / designer ) and of course for other folks who want to check it out and save themselves some time and money when it comes to getting down to marketing and making your digital products. I'll be adding new resources as I come across them and anyone can also submit them by clicking on the 'submit a resource' button. Check it out, I hope you find Makerbook helps you out with all of your creative needs.
Anne-Laure Chorro
@craigjbarber thanks a lot! This is exactly what I need now ;)
Mark Adams
Any possibility of adding resources for physical makers? @craigjbarber
Craig Barber
@scorinth Hey Mark, my background is visual creative so I went with what resources I have found for what I do over the years. I have had folks mention 3D also. I think physical makers would be a whole new site. Someone should do it.
Craig Barber
@alchorro Great to hear Anne! Enjoy : )
Mahieddine Cherif
That's cool, do you guys plan to add a sort of "add resource" feature where any user can add his favorite website/app/whatever ?
Craig Barber
@cherifmahiedine yes, I plan to add a 'tools' section where we can feature that stuff. Thanks for your input : )
Stewart Rogers
Good start - looks like a great resource to keep an eye on. Was expecting video creation tools in the video section, not just stock video repositories. Also, couldn't add a resource, as it sends to a 404 after launching the embedded Typeform. Tried to add Pixabay - the best darn free-of-attribution stock image resource around.
Mikee Shattuck
Awesome! as a self-proclaimed "Resourceful Creative" this is right up my alley.
Craig Barber
@mikeeshattuck Glad to hear you like it Mikee! : )
Craig Barber
Thanks for the support everyone! Wow what a day : )
Suresh Bala
Is this down? I cannot access the website
Above Promotions
@suresh_bala It's down. Wish someone would pick up the mantle on this one. Would have been a good resource to have in the arsenal.
Craig Barber
@suresh_bala Sadly the new owner of Makerbook has shut the site down 💀 Good new is, I created another site called which is awesome 🎉
Craig Barber
@suresh_bala @abovepromotions Hey guys! Sadly the new owner of Makerbook has shut the site down 💀 Good new is, I created another site called which is awesome 🎉
Suresh Bala
@abovepromotions @craigjbarber Thank you. I was about to create one by pulling the data from Thanks for the efforts
Craig Barber
@abovepromotions @suresh_bala No worries, ZippList more and newer resources too 💪
Micah Ghoulish
This is fantastic. I've seen a lot of these types of directories, but this is the first that is going right into my bookmarks bar to keep on hand.
Craig Barber
@micahkulish Thanks Micah. Glad you like it : )
Massimo Arrigoni
Very cool @craigjbarber. Bookmarked in two browsers! Not sure if you want to expand it to include free tools that those graphics etc can be used with. Nice use of TypeForm for the submission process (love those guys!): I submitted (free email editor) in case you are free accepting design tools. Keep up the great work!
Craig Barber
@massiarri Thanks Massimo! Yes there has been some requests for free tools. I will size up what I can do there for sure. I've had 38 new submissions via the Typeform - which has been great. Will check out Beefree.
Cioaca Virgil
Great directory, congrats! Any plan to monetize besides affiliate products, like a featured resource? Did you get any requests for that? I've seen that it's shared like have momentum so get the most of it(like getting emails more prominently), you'll regret later if not(i've made this mistake twice).
Craig Barber
@virgilci Thanks Cioaca. Yes I hear you. I've add a number of email subscribers. And back links are building. I've also got about a 25% return visitor rate at the moment. So people are returning. I don't want to make it too cluttered and spammy for folks. It will remain and be updated for the long term.
Craig Barber
Thanks Stewart! Appreciate the feedback : ) Will look into that form.
This is amazing Craig! Thanks so much! As part of a two man team (neither SUPER designer oriented) this is a huge resource :)
Craig Barber
@darrenterpstra glad to help! Enjoy : )
Carol Skelly
Nice. I like the categories, but I think a templates/themes category would also be helpful. I submitted a resource of free responsive templates that I hope you'll include. Thanks for the great collection @craigjbarber
Muhammad Gohar
A very neat directory. Recommended
Craig Barber
@mgoharshafique Thanks Muhammad : )
Tommy Nicholas
This is great, bookmarked! Has anyone created a good list of free resources for freelancers for taxes (zen99,, back-office (Intuit? Anyone else?), etc for the other side of this equation? Would love to see that as well.
Dave Branson Smith
Looks great for someone looking to bust into the world of creatives -- like me!
Craig Barber
@playswithfood Thanks Dave. Enjoy : )
Stephanie Alexis Gonzaga
Thanks for making Makerbook happen, Craig! I was hoping the site would have writing resources as well though, since writers are creatives as well. Could be useful for visual creatives for when they need help with writing. :)
Craig Barber
@stefgonzaga Great suggestion Stef. I'll have to have a think about what I can do. I'm art based myself so I guess I know all the best visual stuff mostly.
Prabhakar Undurthi
There is a lot of great stuff put together inside. Nice work @craigjbarber Thank you
Ghost Kitty
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Craig Barber
Hey guys! Sadly the new owner of Makerbook has shut the site down 💀 Good new is, I created another site called which is awesome 🎉
Diego Abades
@craigjbarber Butt... why??? :( I loved that site!! Have you got a replicate at least?
Craig Barber
@deorocks Bizarre right? I reached out to the new owner and offered to buy it back. No luck. Last time I checked the traffic per month was like 200k. Anyway I'm turning a negative into a positive with Spread the word! 💪