Kiki Schirr

Makemoji SDK - The popular emoji keyboard, now for your app


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Tyler Breton
We built the free emoji keyboard SDK because we wanted to give apps the ability to create their own emojis and generate revenue in the form of branded emojis (coming soon). We know first hand how important user experience is, so we've been working over the last year to create an in-app experience that is seamless to the user. Our SDK works with Layer and we just recently added a Giphy integration 😊 You will need an SDK key, but just email me and I'll make you one: Also, you can checkout the keyboard live in the messaging part of our app: Or watch this video:
Thank you! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
Tested this out and find it very intuitive and easy to install in current native app projects.. Awesome catalog of original content and non intrusive 3rd party keyboard install.. #KeyboardCollector ,, no really :)
Tyler Breton
@jaronrayhinds appreciate it! Thanks for being one of the first people to check this out. If there are specific emojis you want added to any of your apps let me know and we'll design them:
Saul Fleischman
@jaronrayhinds Thanks again for facilitating the intro and demo. Great to see MakeEmoji on PH and I expect to see developers integrate the SDK in their projects.
Tyler Breton
@osakasaul @jaronrayhinds thanks for the shout out. Hope things are going well at @RiteTag and looking forward to hearing more about your success too!
what's the future of these 3rd party keyboards within the iOS ecosystem? /slash keyboard seems very hard to exit out of and intrusive, snag or iOS lockdown?
Tyler Breton
@jaronrayhinds tbh I think a lot of them will fail if they're not popular enough. I like Slash a lot and there are a few others I think will get some traction, but ultimately the user is going to have one keyboard extension (not 10 like they do today)
William Bentley
@jaronrayhinds you should check out this little app called Messenger, it's by a company called Facebook and you tell me! πŸ€—
Tyler Breton
@jaronrayhinds @williamb3ntley You have to say circa 2014.. makes it sound better
Craig Stanford
Having previewed this product earlier this week, I am big fan of the simplicity of the SDK installation. I love the library of custom branded emojis (Starbucks, Beats, etc.,) in the library and importantly the DM hook to actually monetize those emotes. 😍 πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’° 😍 When will you have a Chrome extension?
Tyler Breton
@craigstanford we're working on a few more big integrations on mobile first, but have a few web extensions in the works. I was looking at StageHound too, really great product and I think there will definitely be some cool ways to work together.
Nick Loui
Great product, great team. Congrats @TylerBreton on your @ProductHunt launch! πŸ‘Š
Tyler Breton
@nloui @producthunt appreciate the love! πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€
Walt Spence
Damn good work Tyler.
Tyler Breton
@waltspence thank you sir. Steve (CoFounder and CTO) deserves all of the credit though.
Kiki Schirr
Tyler's keyboard app is pretty popular these days (download numbers are big, but not sure I'm allow to say them, haha!) so the chance to integrate it into your own app seems really cool. Maybe Fittr needs an emoji keyboard, hm... :P
Tyler Breton
@kikischirr It might be fun for Fittr if you guys add messaging/commenting
Nikhil V.
Fantastic job Tyler and crew. The SDK looks sweet and definitely something that can catch on for new apps. Let's make integrating/using emojis 10x easier!
Tyler Breton
@techvoltz thanks man. Appreciate the question and we will make you guys a key so you can play around with it. #revolution
Joe Hanauer
Awesome app. Super easy to integrate with my current setup πŸ’―
Tyler Breton
@halfanauer Love to hear that. We spent a ton of time testing this and making sure it works for a variety of different platforms and use cases
⌨Join us in an hour as we roast on @tylerbreton about his new release .
William Bentley
Very nice- well be using it in @joinflash ...Once we launch! 😘
Tyler Breton
@williamb3ntley @joinflash looking forward to it! If anyone is in the market for a significant other: @joinflash
Mikey Renan
congrats @TylerBreton! love the concept and I hope to collaborate one of these days!
Tyler Breton
@jaronrayhinds we definitely are after this push
Cameron Banowsky
Play time