James Lee

Make - Turn your web content into images and PDFs with our API


Designing for the web is awesome until we need our designs to become non-web things – then it gets complicated.
Make.cm is an easy creative API that allows you to take your web design templates and convert them into ready to go API endpoints.

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James Lee
G’day Product Hunt, I’m James Lee, the product lead of Make.cm and this is https://outfit.io instigator, Andy Fitzsimon. We’re here to finally present our powerful and easy to use API service, Make.cm 🧐 Why? At Outfit.io we've worked with some of the biggest brands to automate their creative with web templates. It allows developers to create with a toolkit that is not available in traditional design - intelligent constraints, generative design, flexible layouts. However, taking those web-based designs and transforming them into traditional non-web formats is a truly hard task and can be an unclimbable wall to a lot of developers. With over 7 years experience in the space we’ve decided to tear the wall down and open it up to all. We’re calling on designers and developers to make art and design an API. It’s easier than ever, with Make. 😎 What? Make is a creative generation API that allows you to use web templates in frameworks like React, Vue or even plain ol’ HTML/CSS. With Make you build your design collateral, how you would build your applications, decide what optionality and data they can accept, and generate permutations with an API endpoint. Make is battle tested to serve highly complex on-demand requests like print-ready PDF booklets (and even short form video with the upcoming video beta) with the asynchronous API. Make will scale to meet the bombardment of thousands of concurrent requests. Each request is afforded the same quality and speeds as the rest. 🤯 Where? We see big things for Make, these a few of the early applications where we think Make would sing! 🔥 Generating sharable content on-demand for digital publishers and ecommerce. 🔥 Creating unique user generated content activations and ticketing at events and conference. 🔥 Providing utility based documents for a range of industries; receipts and invoices, certificates, reports. 🔥 Creating GDN ad campaign creative and programmatic advertising flows with constraints based web templates. 🔥 Developing print-ready employee branding (business cards, etc) for your organization. But don’t pigeonhole yourself! If you think you’ve got an idea but not 100% sure if Make is suitable, drop us a comment on Product Hunt or reach out to us on twitter https://twitter.com/makecm_ and we’d love to talk through it with you. Sign up today and receive a free starter pack to the tune of 5,000 generation credits to get you up and running. Be it a simple meme generator or to truly operationalize the creative output for your business - Make is the perfect option. We hope you love it as much as we do. 🙏 - James, Andy & the rest of the Make team.
James Lee
Appreciate the love @eugenehp 🙂. Let me know how you go.
Jordan Gardiner
Woot woot! So glad to see Make.cm finally on here. This is such a gamechanger for all things generative - web, print, and everything in between!
Bastien Botella
This looks very promising, good job guys!
Andy Fitzsimon
@bastien_botella1 thanks! and csml.dev looks inspiring too. I bet make.cm GET request image URLs could make all kinds of of custom engaging chatbot media. Please kick the tyres, we'd love your feedback.
Bastien Botella
@andyfitz Tell me about it! This is the first thing that came to my mind. I'm gonna have a deeper look into it and will keep in touch.
Nguyen Manh Quoc Anh
Awesome product. Very useful for developers or designer which wants to turn their code into reusable and sharable creative production.
Limited Timing
Is time to generate some cool PDF files :) Thank you for the tool!
James Lee
Thanks a lot for the kind words @gcucci We really think you'll love it Vitalie! You can even send your PDF for CMYK post processing. Would love to know how you're planning on using make?
Jackson Henderson
Cool product! Upvote for your great work.
Tim Brown
Looking forward to making with make
Very useful APIs
Scott N Decker
Congrats on the launch! Have run into this problem before. Would love a simpler solution. My encouragement would be to continue to lower the threshold. Think youtubescreenshot.com (on my mind because I just used it last night). Stupid simple. Also, the growing phallic object on the homepage is a little distracting. Hope launch goes well today!
Andy Fitzsimon
@scott_n_decker Thanks for the feedback Scott, and you're right! that generative BG has got to go. With the Make Gallery we're planning to host more boilerplate use cases that we hear our customers use. From UGC photobooths to OG image generators to Maps and QR code posters. I'm most excited about any video ideas as the basis can be anything animated on the web