Corentin Brossault

Email Permutator by Mailmeteor - Find anyone's email address

Email permutator is a free tool to help you find anyone’s email. It works by combining basic information you know about someone to generate a list of their potential email addresses.

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Corentin Brossault
Hi hunters! Super excited to share this free tool with the community 🚀 👉 Why an email permutator? Sometimes, we all would like to send an email to someone that we don't know yet. Whether it's for sending your resume, sharing something important or just because you've found someone's wallet while crossing the street?! 🤔 How it works? Just enter the firstname, the lastname and the domain name (the part after the @). Our tool will guess all the combinations possible. From there, you could send an email to all the possible candidates in the list. Or, and that's where it's really powerful, just open Gmail and copy paste the list of candidates. Gmail will show you the correct one as it has a valid profile picture ;) 😇 Who is for? It's a free tool, so it's for everyone! And of course, your data stays your data. No information are collected at all. Like all products released by Mailmeteor, it's privacy-focused. I hope you will enjoy it and feel free to let me know what you think of it in the comments below.
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
There are services for getting the e-mail patterns for (known) companies and giving you the right format. What value adds your service compared to this one for ex?
Corentin Brossault
@bogomep it’s pretty similar! Email-format seems great to be honest :)