Stefan Wirth

AI Best Man Speech Writing Tool - Craft an epic best man speech instantly

Hand over your stories & stress to a bestselling author & best man speech writing expert + AI technology

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Jen Glantz
Hello Product Hunt community! 🚀 Jen Glantz here, founder of Bridesmaid for Hire. We’re super excited to launch our AI Best Man Speech Writing tool on ProductHunt! Thank you for dropping by 🙏 WHAT IS BRIDESMAID FOR HIRE Not everyone has a best friend or a support system for their wedding. Bridesmaid for Hire started in 2014 to help solve that problem. Since then, hundreds of people have hired bridesmaids to stand by their side on their wedding day. We also offer maid of honor and best man speech writing services and over the years, we’ve written 250+ speeches for the bridal party members to read on the wedding day. That's why we decided to create a tool that makes it easy, interactive, and fast for anyone to write a personalized best man speech. INTRODUCING: 👰 The Best Man Speech Writing Tool: Your Personal Best Man Speech Assistant! 🎉 Ever sit down to write the speech of a lifetime as a best man but feel a sudden pang of panic when it comes crafting a legendary and memorable toast? Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to standing ovations. How it Works: •Share: Our interactive tool chats with you in real-time to learn about details, stories, memories, and more. •Review: In seconds, a draft of a personalized and fully custom speech will be ready. •Edit: Give feedback and ask the tool to make unlimited changes. When you're done editing, hit download the speech. •Toast: Head to the wedding feeling confident that you have a perfect and memorable speech in hand. Key Features: • 🤖 Dive into an AI experience that understands best man speeches and how to make yours personal and authentic. • 💡 Bring your ideas to the tool and let our interactive AI to guide your storytelling journey. • 📝 Retain your personal touch. Edit, refine, and sprinkle in your magic. • 📏 Choose your speech's perfect length, from toasts to tributes. • 🌡️ Match your vibe with our Speech Tonality Selector. • 🌍 Write your speech in both English and Spanish. • 🔐 Your privacy is paramount. We never compromise on it. The Best Man Speech Writing Tool promises laughter and unforgettable moments inside one legendary speech. Join us, and let's revolutionize wedding speeches together! 🥂💍
Alexander Ptitsyn
Hey, Gen! Good luck with your stunning tool! How did you come up with this project?
Jen Glantz
@alexanderptitsyn thank you for this question! A big part of my business as a hired bridesmaid was to write people's best man or maid of honor speeches. I wrote 50+ a year. I built this tool as a way to replicate my writing style and make it more accessible for people to have a professional and personalized speech - in minutes.
Tornike Tsiramua
@jenglantz Congratulations, Jen and the Bridesmaid for Hire team, on the launch 🥂 It's an exciting and innovative way to help best men create memorable and personalized speeches without the stress of writer's block. I'm curious, how did you train the AI to understand and assist in crafting best man speeches?
Jen Glantz
@tornike_tsiramua1, thank you so much! I worked with @nafetswirth and @fschlz + team who did this. I gave them access to a bunch of speeches that I had written and good examples. They used this data throughout their process.
Stefan Wirth
@jenglantz @tornike_tsiramua1 We use one-shot prompting. Speech example and the structure in the prompt. We've looked at training a custom model but not worth it.
Igor Krasnik
Brides Maid generator was great and fun, but Best Man generator on a whole new level 🚀
Stefan Wirth
@igorkrasnik Oh captain, my captain.
André J
Great idea! But needs to show more of the end result before asking for payment IMO.
Stefan Wirth
@sentry_co Do you mean in the chat? The problem is that it's very expensive for us to let you go through the whole convo, like $0.50 A lot of people will not buy even if we show them a part of the speech for example, destroying all margins. That's why we started with example speeches and at least letting you chat a bit. Maybe we can A/B a full flow at some point, it might increase conversions just enough to make sense but it needs testing.
André J
@nafetswirth That's interesting. Im curious to what kind of models cost $0.50 for some text? In any case. If you cant show half the result for instance. I would show some organic examples. This was the input, this was the output. Maybe you did show that somewhere. But I definitely missed in my excitement to test it out. Just think of the word of mouth effects for this if I had seen even half the result. Id be talking about it in the bar tonight with friends. have a Good Friday!
Stefan Wirth
@sentry_co We use GPT-4, you have to pass in the whole conversation inputs and outputs every time the user sends a message. (That's also how ChatGPT works) so the longer the convo gets the more you pay for each message. In total we ask you 10 questions. We could summarize it between steps but that leads to loss of context. That's another lever we have, bring the cost down to allow more usage upfront, also needs testing haha. We want to go for the best possible speech (both UX and output) tho because there is a bunch of sh*tty free versions of this that work on a form submit -> speech model and are kinda meh. If we were the same we're just like everyone else. Right now our OPEX for the prompting is ~10% of Revenue (including free users that don't convert) Btw, I added you on Twitter I can DM you a discount code to use it for free if you like :)
André J
@nafetswirth Thanks 🙏 Will check it out. Interesting! I did not know GPT4 API was that expensive. I assume it's another API than regular GPT4 api key I use with etc.
Artem Konovalov 💎
Funny enough that we got a claim and threat of court from just for using their name. And since recently they launched their Speechy AI tool that does exactly the same thing, I wish you guys good luck 😁🙌
Stefan Wirth
@mattisssa Did you use their name? 🤔
Artem Konovalov 💎
@nafetswirth, we didn't use their exact name, although there were some common elements. Technically, it was different from a registered company name. But to cut a long story short, they registered a trademark similar to our product right after our launch and approached us with legal action. We negotiated an agreement on our terms and now we're known as 😁🤷‍♂️
Stefan Wirth
@mattisssa let’s see. A bunch of those tools exist and we’ve been around longer with our sister tool of this for maid of honor speeches. The name is literally a google search keyword lol.
John McTavish
If I had to write my best best man speech, I'd definitely pass it through this. Are there settings to adjust for amount of whiskey consumed pre-speech?
Stefan Wirth
@john_mctavish1 Do you get funnier or more cold with each sip?
Francisco Schulz
@john_mctavish1 not a bad idea to include an alcohol yes/no toggle tbh 🤔 I'll test it in the next prompt update what difference it makes! 😄
Stefan Wirth
@john_mctavish1 @fschlz 4 per mille is a good start
Stefan Wirth
@john_mctavish1 We'll make it work like that no worries!
Jen Glantz
@john_mctavish1 the tool will actually tell you if a joke is not funny or is inappropriate and it gives you suggestions instead. Now if only it could turn the mic off for you if you've had too much whiskey..
Mike Heap
Having written 3 best man speeches myself, and having procrastinated on them all, definitely wish I had this to help me get going and make mine more polished!
Stefan Wirth
@michael_heap Humble brag that you're a popular lad? 😏 Or friends with people that get divorced often 🥲
Francisco Schulz
@michael_heap think of us next time! ❤️
Stefan Wirth
@michael_heap As you're rolling with the best Man united supporters, I think you just have a lot of friends but you're not that popular amongst them. Always option 3 👁️👃👁️
Jen Glantz
@michael_heap, I feel you! You know how it feels to write one from scratch - and it's tough!
Kirill Sokol
🎉 Crafting the perfect best man speech just got a whole lot easier with The Best Man Speech Writing Tool! It's great to see an AI tool designed to guide and personalize the speech-making process. One question for the creators: Does the tool also provide tips on public speaking, like delivery and stage presence, to ensure the best possible performance? 🤝🎙️
Francisco Schulz
@malkielfalcone thanks mate! To your question, it doesn't do that, since it's very focussed on crafting the speech with you. But in the future, an add-on would be possible where you record yourself holding the speech and AI gives you hints on how to do better. Other than that, @jenglantz can always help out if people want some coaching :)
Jen Glantz
@malkielfalcone - also when you use the tool you have access to our Speak With Confidence public speaking video course that helps you give a nerve-free performance.
Hahaha, this is a funny find! I'm sure a lot of speech givers will breathe a sigh of relief - and be able to focus more on having fun leading up to the date, instead of spending time on script writing. Congrats on the launch, Jen!
Stefan Wirth
@rockyperezz Exactly. A lot of our customers are last minute purchases haha.
Stefan Wirth
@rockyperezz yeah main channel right now
Jen Glantz
@rockyperezz thank you so much! I agree, there's a lot to focus on. Let this tool take over the speech element of being someone's best man.
Aleksandr V
Congratulation with the launch!
Stefan Wirth
@veryayskiy Thanks mate. May the LMSqueezy checkout stay functioning haha
Stefan Wirth
@veryayskiy I have PTSD from the last time it went down hehe
Gaël de Mondragon
This would have saved my ass a couple of times.
Stefan Wirth
@gael_de_mondragon Best man of best men
Francisco Schulz
@gael_de_mondragon maybe it will in the future 🫡 we're only a bookmark away 🏷️
Jen Glantz
@gael_de_mondragon hope it can save it in the future!
Gleb Shalimov
This tool is an absolute lifesaver! Finally, I can sound like a hilarious best man without breaking a sweat. My buddies will think I've suddenly turned into a stand-up comedian. Time to drop the mic!
Stefan Wirth
@khlebobul You need to record the next one for us 👀
Jen Glantz
@khlebobul you're spot on! We're here for you.
Dan Mindru
This looks incredible!
Stefan Wirth
@dan_mindru Just like you 😎
Leon Ostrež
hahah This sounds fun! Can i give some bullet points to guide speech in a specific direction? Like some past story or something like that... Congratulations guys
Stefan Wirth
@leon_ostrez We ask you up to 10 questions and yeah you can edit the speech with your new thoughts and stories.
Francisco Schulz
@leon_ostrez What @nafetswirth said + you also have styling options for how you want the speech to sound like & long it should be
I was my own bestman.
Stefan Wirth
@kingromstar Now that shit next level.
Jen Glantz
@kingromstar nothing wrong with that!
David Gutiérrez
Brilliant idea and I'm saying this as somebody unable to craft a speech. Good luck with the launch Stefan!
Stefan Wirth
@_dgut Thanks David, may it come in handy at some point haha. Ping me when it's time and I'll give you a free discount code. ✌️
Nur Naaz
Stefan Wirth
@nur_naaz Thank you 🙏
Ciska Lindelauf
So cool! 🤩
Stefan Wirth
@ciska 👀👀👀
Jen Glantz
@ciska thank you so much!
Dan Kulkov
Best man launches a product for other best men? Instant upvote, I bet you understand why.
Stefan Wirth
@kronop If only @marclou had this for his wedding 🥲
Mansi Trivedi
Congratulations on the launch people! 🙌🔥This sounds so super cool! 😎🔥 These new versions on AI just never stop amazing you! 😅😄 One question though, how does it personalize such an intimate moment with so many personal thoughts?? 🤔 All the best to you and your time!! 💜🎉
Francisco Schulz
@mansi_trivedi1 MAGIC! + We feed it some example speeches that @jenglantz wrote which give it the right base tonality. That with the rest of the prompt makes it work out pretty well. Take it for a spin and tell us what you think!
Mansi Trivedi
@fschlz Also, wanted to share the product. Any of the makers on Twitter???
Stefan Wirth
@mansi_trivedi1 It's a chatbot that asks you questions about your relationship to the groom and writes a custom speech based on that. Thanks for your support ❤️
Olive Haus
Speech-writing is no longer the stuff of nightmares 😁 Congrats on the launch! 🥂