Hugo Filipe Ribeiro

Magik Play - Merges real wooden toys with kids educational apps

Magik Play is a smart toy for iPad that merge physical toys with STEM games for kids by using a special kind of Augmented Reality technology. The digital characters react to the constructions creating the perfect fusion of digital and real world play

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Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
Magik Play is an innovative set of games designed for iPad, that combine the power of the digital world, with the benefits of handling traditional wooden toys. It transforms the iPad in a virtual scenario, in front of children can build with the real wooden blocks. There are three Magik Play games adapted to kids of different ages. In each game, kids are challenged to find solutions by assembling the physical wooden blocks. Right now we are on IndieGoGo trying to raise the necessary support to take this project forward. I would really appreciate your support, comments and thoughts!
Afonso Barbosa
awesome product! well done!
Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
Hey Product Hunters! I'm really excited to share with you this project, and I would really like to have your feedback! Don't be shy ;) @bentossell any thought?
Ben Tossell
@hugofiliper My godson LOVES using the iPad but have to pretend it breaks so he doesn't get stuck to it. Would love something like this to combine both things :) Although to be fair he likes using a lot of educational games not brain-numbing ones. So this would be great!
Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
@bentossell @hugofiliper Thanks Ben for the feedback! :) it just happens the same with my kids. My regular excuse to them is "Oh no... the iPad just ran out of battery" :) It was this behaviour that inspired us to make something totally different. We had the idea to mix the hi-tech with very simple to use toys. At first they seemed like opposite worlds (eletronic vs wooden toys) but they really work extremely well together. It's something like traditional meets the future. Kids actually love it!
Paul M Boyce
this is wonderful! every child should have wooden blocks, an iPad and Magic Play!!
Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
@paulmboyce Hi Paul! Thanks for the feedback! Totally agree with you! :)
Joana Pregueiro
This is an amazing product! Hope to see it succeed! It's an original use for all the technology that surrounds us nowadawys! The best of both worlds combined!!
Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
@piuza21 Hi Joana! Thank you for your feedback. Opinions like yours give us the strength to continue our work and hopefully to succeed.
Alex Barrera
Great idea!! :D Any idea to deploy with other Android tablets?
Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
@abarrera Hi Alex! Thank you for your feedback! We have plans to deploy Magik Play in the future to specific android devices. The reason why we don't do it for all is because there are so many android different hardware, and it's very difficult for us to guarantee that Magik Play is realiable with every one. It´s a product for kids, and because of that it needs to have a perfect user experience.
Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
@davemorin Hey Dave! Any comments on this?
Hugo Filipe Ribeiro
@katesegrin any comments Kate?
Cynthia Maddox
Wow, this app looks great. I also have a kid, and some time ago, I noticed that playing educational games are better for him.