Kevin William David

Ecommerce Glossary - A one stop destination to learn about e-commerce terms

Ecommerce is big and can cause bigger problems while trying to understand what certain words mean. At Magenticians, we’re all about making things easier in the world of ecommerce, whether it is the field, or the words themselves..

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Syed Muneeb Ul Hasan
Thank you for visiting and hunting the Magenticians Ecommerce Glossary page. The purpose behind the glossary is to make it easy for you to escalate your ecommerce vocabulary. The ecommerce landscape is evolving rapidly and ecommere enthusiasts are looking for resources to learn more about it and also to take advantage of the ever growing community right here at Magenticians. In the coming days, we aim to add more words to the Magenticians Ecommerce Glossary page so that it is always ready to serve each and every ecommerce enthusiast out there.
Sharjeel Bin Ashraf
@syed_muneebb First of all, great work. Now, my question: Will you be making it more interactive like adding examples, videos and things like that as Tech Target is doing? Because text based glossary is getting old school now. Your glossary is comprehensive and helping people get the basic idea about terms. But try to add more examples.
Muhammad Saad Khan
@syed_muneebb Really good work. How did you do the research for eCommerce Glossary? What are some unique terms did you find?
Syed Muneeb Ul Hasan
@invinciblesaad Thanks for the appreciation. We have follow the ecommerce community, latest trends, conversations and forums to extract the words along with some other ecommerce resources. That has helped us to find these kind of unique words like Closed-Loop Marketing, Evolutionary Algorithms, Lead Nurturing, Net Promoter Score (NPS) and many more.
AbdurRahman Lakhani
Amazing Glossary specific to ecommerce. You added few new words that had surely added more value to your product. Keep it up and add more words to it.
Syed Muneeb Ul Hasan
@abdurrahman_lakhani Glad you like it! In future we will keep it updated and if you have any word that you want to add, use our 'submit a word' option.