Mage Scanner - Card Scanner and Collection Tool for Magic: The Gathering 🃏
With Mage Scanner you to scan and categorise cards from Magic: The Gathering, the largest trading card game in the world with 35M players. The Mage Scanner uses computer vision and machine learning to scan, recognise and price every single card. 📸
Overall a great product. I wouldn't have my collection categorized if it wasn't for this app.
Pros:Amazing scanning, awesome market place and everything free
Cons:The deck building needs some love and the search some new features like where the cards are.
Why bother with this, just use what is already out there and works better
Pros:Nothing special existing established apps don't offer (mtggoldfish, tcgmarket, cardmarket, delver lens)
Cons:Very slow shipping
Product Hunt
Very good start and it's only the beginning!
Pros:- Card scanning info/inventory (easy selection of count, language , etc ) - Great UI both Desktop and Smartphone - Easy to sell and buy
Cons:Library management to be improved
Fun to use and helpful, making it a good companion for Magic players and traders
Pros:Free shipping Great Full Text Search Fast support Wide spectrum of cards
Cons:The Deck Builder should be as cool as MTG Arena's ;)
All in all wonderful support from the team directly working on the application
Pros:Developers are wonderful with listening to community
Cons:The flash feature isnt added yet but is a part of the application c:
It’s the best!
Pros:Very smooth app! Fantastic Design, user friendly! Best MTG App out there!
Cons:Continues to improve :)
Pros:The convenience of having articles, a market and a collection all in one place.
Cons:Prices are sometimes slow in updating
A complete tool for managing MtG collections
Pros:A quick and complete tool to organize you Magic collection & precify cards you don’t want anymore. You can read articles and chat.
Cons:Found no cons yet.
My Review will cover only collection tracking since is the only use I cureently give to Mage. Any, mtgcollectionbuilder or mtggoldish user should consider giving it a try. You can export cards easily and offers a comfy interface for consulting, sorting and brewing.
Pros:A great collection tracker with what I consider is the best free card scanner in the appstore. Devs deliver updates constantly.
Cons:Is still in development, there are some minor bugs and issues.
Love it. Use it daily for news. Use it to track my collection. Use it to keep tabs of cards I'm interested in.
Pros:Everything, news and information as well as collection management
Cons:Maybe a game tracker, or the ability to add preconstructed decks to your collection
Helps me keep track of what my cards are worth
Pros:easy to use
Cons:When scanning a new cards it's not as spot-on as I would like