Omar Arambula

Made- Stories Maker - Create Instagram Stories with pre-designed templates


Made supplies aesthetically-conscious social media content creators templates to which they can insert their photos and text into and then upload directly to their Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Messenger Stories.

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Andy McCune
Man, tough one here. As co-founder of Unfold (, I love seeing new perspectives on story content creation tools. We love competition and believe that it will only force innovation, creativity, and ultimately better products for users. With that being said, I wish there was more creativity behind your creative components. Your templates are literally carbon copies of the collections we’ve released over the last year (CS, FF1, RP1). Again, love seeing new tools in the space but inspiration is different than replication. Hoping to see more innovation from Munkee Apps and Made in the future. Rooting for you.
Kimball Frank Wirig
@9th You should probably compare some of the Unfold templates side by side with the preexisting templates from apps like Over and others. Not to mention hundreds of templates available for purchase on marketplaces like Creative Market etc.
Andy McCune
@kimballfrank Would love to see a side by side! Unfold came out before Over launched Layouts and any of their Unfold-esque templates 😉
Hector Lopez
@9th Along with the feedback of our beta users, we worked with many creators to build out over 80 templates (upcoming releases) over the course of 8 months. While similarities may be possible, our team set out to build unique and dynamic templates that many creators can use to easily create beautiful stories. We will continue to innovate Made, and become a leader in the space. Thanks for downloading!
@9th Thanks for the feedback! It’s important to mention that the Stories space is highly competitive, the minimally designed templates you provided up above also look like a plethora of templates that exist across various editing platforms. Made offers a ton of dynamic/creative template packs that have never been seen before and we’re excited to see what the content creators of the world think.
Andy McCune
Did you work with creators on your website too? 👀
sammidee deherrera
This app has amazing templates! My favorite template pack is the GOLD one. I love all the frame choices, they are so beautiful!
Love that you can customize slide backgrounds entirely, love all the backgrounds!
So pumped about this app! Congrats on release! Seems to be gaining great traction on social
Al Horwitz
I'm not actually an iOS user, but the about link on your website doesn't seem to work (for me at least)
Omar Arambula
@al_of_winter Thanks for that! We'll get it fixed.
Andra Todorescu

This app is like steroids for Instagram Stories


- Plenty of free templates - Paid version fairly cheap, deff worth it if you use Insta a lot - You can also filter & add bkgs to the photos


- Wish there were even more templates, but I guess they'll add more as the app evolves

John Fabela
Super easy to use and the templates are amazing! Perfect for Instagram creators and influencers.
Jose Roxas
Amazing app! Just what I needed to improve my Instagram game.
John Fabela

I recommend this app to anyone who wants to improve their Instagram Stories.


- Clean interface - Beautiful templates


- Not really a con, but I want more templates

Tudor Luca

What more do you want? I like the app so far. :)


Beautiful Interface & Intuitive


Give me some crazy templates to stand out, Instagram is a hard game nowadays!

Hranush Manukyan

Started using Made and my stories got better and got even more views and reactions!


I would absolutely recommend. Story templates are incredibly unique and stylish. I am totally hooked! :)


Haven’t observed any.

Daito Tanaka
text is garbled when I use Japanese. but I like this product.
Its Raaaaymond
Very clean interface and stylish templates