After 15 beta versions and 145 commits, I'm happy to release Maccy 2.0 to a broader audience. Grab it via auto-update, or download it from the website or GitHub. The App Store version is currently being reviewed and will be available shortly.
You should not see a lot of differences, but it's a massive release on the inside with a completely different technology stack. It fixed a bunch of old issues and unlocked new features that could be added in the subsequent releases (e.g. drag & drop, iCloud sync, iPhone version, etc.)
Hope you folks enjoy the new version!
Highlights of 2.0
- The user interface has been rewritten from AppKit + NSMenu to SwiftUI + NSPanel.
- Storage has been rewritten from Core Data to SwiftData.
- Requires macOS 14 Sonoma or newer.
- Backward compatibility with Maccy 1.x. You can downgrade to 1.0 if you don't like the new version or encounter bugs.
- No backward compatibility with Maccy0.x.
- New setting to pop up at the last position Maccy was opened at (#829).
- New search highlight matches mode with a yellow color similar to Safari (#830).
- Improved memory usage for copying large images.
- Fixed multiple issues with Japanese/Chinese/Korean language input in search.
- Fixed an issue when Maccy could not be shown over password fields.
- Fixed an issue when Maccy would not paste to the Spotlight window.
- Fixed an issue when Maccy would not open over full-screen windows.
Differences from 1.0
- The window can be resized like any other window and the history list is now scrollable.
- Pinned items are shown without dots and stick to the scrollable history list.
- Appearance preference "Number of items" removed. Instead, vertically resize the main panel window according to your needs.
- Appearance preference "Title length" removed. Instead, horizontally resize the main panel window according to your needs.
- Advanced preference "Avoid taking application focus" removed. The focus will always remain on the active application, similar to how Spotlight works.
- A pin letter "V" can no longer be used since it's reserved for a system paste shortcut.