Macbook Air with Retina - The popular laptop with more power and a beautiful display
Apple today introduced an all-new MacBook Air, bringing a stunning 13-inch Retina display, Touch ID, the latest processors and an even more portable design to the world’s most loved notebook.
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1200$ for a laptop with dual core processor and DDR3 RAM in no way justifies the premium Apple is asking for it. No matter how good the retina display is.
Pros:Build quality and the hardware software integration
Cons:Doesn't justify its price
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Very nicely-designed product, but a lot of the price goes into their marketing of it.
Pros:Nice design. Lots of apps and software available.
Cons:Overpriced, impossible to work on or upgrade, everything is proprietary.
1200 is an insane price for mediocre hardware. Better off buying a razer blade if you need performance
Pros:None. Same old laptop. Just a little polished.
The Air isn't aimed at the "lets count features" crowd. Instead, it is a rock solid workhorse that goes on working year after year after without as much as a hiccup. The Airs in our office get used by Account staff, financial staff, events teams and culinary teams. They take heaps of abuse and keep on ticking.
Pros:Goes on working for years without needing expensive support. Both hard and software are rock solid. More than adequate for office tasks.
Cons:Can't think of any. Lack of IT support hours more than offsets initial cost of purchase.
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