
Side Domains - Make extra money by selling domains you no longer use

A great way to buy and sell domains that you bought for your side-project but had a pivot.
Domain listing as easy as filling out a sign-up form. Transactions in a way so you have full control. No fees taken. Free forever.
I mean, why not right? Start earning!

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Dani Schenker🇨🇭
Nice little project. I like that you target a specific group of people within quite a big market. Cheers!
@danischenker thanks Dani :) Happy new year 🍺✨
I have a really bad habit or continuously buying up domains, even before I start working on a side project and as most of you would be able to predict, most projects never get launched. Then comes a huge stock of domains which I cannot get a refund for, but can't use it myself. Side Domains comes to save y'all! Simply list your domain in under 2 minutes and you'll start seeing enquiries directly in your mailbox. Once you strike a deal, we do not even take a fees. It's 100% free to list, buy, sell or browse domains on our platform. How do I make money? I do provide a paid plan where you can get the plan for hiring me for doing all the negotiating for your domain, verify the seller before you sell it, prioritise your domain over others, access our mailing list of people interested in interesting domains (interesting👀) and building a landing page for your parked domain. It's $5 per year for unlimited domains or just $1 per domain for indefinite time until you get a seller. Hope everyone like it! Would love to know what everyone thinks :)
Russell Gotcher
Love this.
Faye Arant
You�re a Great
Sheri Gardner
Take a Bow
Shauna Cosby
This looks really useful, sharing with our whole team!
Jubril Adedeji
Besides this being a great project, I'm impressed by the pricing strategy 😊
@jubrilade Glad you liked it Jubril ✨ Also welcome to PH 🔥
Kelley Wright
You�ve Got What It Takes
Mudrank Gupta