Chris Messina

Lunacy 6 - Powerful free graphics software complete with assets

Top Hunter

Lunacy 6 adds useful improvements and assets to the leading Sketch alternative for Windows. Best of all it is still FREE!
- Support for Sketch Cloud and JS Sketch Plugins (beta)
- Smart style suggestions and tidying
- Automatic background removal using AI

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Ivan Braun
Do you need to work with Sketch files on Windows? Then you need to try Lunacy. With v6 launching now, Lunacy continues to evolve into the most full-featured FREE graphics program out there. Join thousands of new users that have started using Lunacy since our version 5 launch last winter. With a myriad of amazing icons, photos, and illustrations baked-in by default it is a fun change of pace compared to traditionally complicated asset management. tl;dr - If you haven’t tried it recently, Lunacy is a blazing-fast vector editor packed with smart features to make you a better designer. Even though we have a full team working on it now, it is still a completely free program (who else can say that?!). I encourage you to give it a shot now! New features in version 6 ✏ Support for Sketch Cloud and Sketch Plugins (beta) 🎨 Smart style suggestions and tidying ✨ Automatic background removal using AI (rolling out to all users soon) 🚀 Significant speedups in opening and saving documents
Ivan Braun
Bloggers and reporters, if you write about us, drop us a line on the comments and we'll publish your news on this page. We do that with other products for at least a year; I feel that a backlink from Producthunt is one small thing we can do for you in exchange!
Aaron O'Leary
The automatic background removal is interesting! How accurate is it? Find some tools I use are not so much and then others blow my mind such as 🤯
Ivan Braun
@aaronoleary in short, ours is not so much in this version. We use it mostly for removing backgrounds at which are quite easy. However, we'll release a new version along with a standalone service. We're making much progress here. For example, there's a separate team masking images full time for 2 years.
Ivan Braun
@aaronoleary I've recorded a small demo for you
Marina Yalanska
I've been watching Lunacy progress from version 2, and it's amazing to see how high it's got now, especially considering that the software is completely free for all users. Kudos to the team, looking forward to seeing what's next!
Ivan Braun
@myalanska many many thanks! Btw, I've just made this screenshot from our Microsoft Store account:
Marina Yalanska
@visualpharm looks impressive! And totally well-deserved.
Csaba Kissi
Any plans for the Mac version?
Ivan Braun
@csaba_kissi I wish I can could say yes, but making it happen is extremely difficult. That's why Sketch doesn't work on Windows despite $100M revenue. We'll have to rewrite the whole interface which is 40% of work. Another problem is few engineers develop on Mac these days. We have to wait until they integrate both platforms, so iOS developers could join the team. The rendering core is portable though, so if we have scale the team 2x, it's possible.
Ivan Horev
Thanks for new version! I use Lunacy often. I confess, in particular because of the free hosting images 😬
Ivan Braun
@horevivan haha enjoy!
Iam happy in here..
Valeri Potchekailov
Great job guys! Great to see it's free. You guys rock!
Ivan Braun
@valeripotchekailov many thanks! Keep up good work with StoryChief!
Arkadzi Ulitski
looks great, really need to try it)
Ivan Braun
@adi_u btw, the latest version, 6.3 has faster render than Sketch, not to say Figma and others.
Sergey Mikolaitis
@adi_u @visualpharm 6.3 will be launched tomorrow on a website and on a weekend at MS Store.
Jay June
Woah, background removal feature! That's cool👍 And when you say "rolling out to all users soon", how soon is your "soon"? From 1 to "in 1... 2... 3"?🙃
Jesse Jensen
WAIT. Are you telling me I can finally play with sketch files...on a windows PC?! I never had a Mac and I would look at all the sketch files on Product Hunt (whether free or not) and wish I could use them, especially when adding to websites.
Ivan Braun
@jessehojjensen you'll be impressed!
The built-in libraries are very handy! It really does speed up the work.
Pavel Pavluychik
@margarita_ivanchikova111 Very pleased to hear that 😍
Marek Brenčič
Hey I'd love to contribute to porting this app to linux or wrapping it around wine. Who should I contact? The app starts sometimes in wine (just the first screen) but mostly crashes with "Lunacy.Controls.RulerControl.Ruler -> No glyphtypeface for ruler found".