Luna Display is the only hardware solution that turns any Mac or iPad into a wireless second display. Luna Display seamlessly extends your Mac desktop to your iPad or another Mac, creating a wireless second monitor with stunning image quality.
After Apple "sherlocked" Luna Display with Sidecar in macOS Catalina, we put our heads together on how we could make Luna even better...
So I'm excited to announce today... Mac-to-Mac Mode for Luna Display! Turn any extra Mac into a second display. Apple zigs, we zag 😉
@thedotmack I wish I could provide you with an easy answer, but the biggest factor is wifi. If you have a good wifi connection it should be really low latency
This is actually a very useful application. I have been a fan of Luna Display since the earlier versions but for Mac to Mac mode I just use a thunderbolt cable which is already supported by MacOS. But, if you already have Luna, awesome new feature. For those who don't you can simply do the following -
I use Luna Display both Mac to Mac and Mac to iPad. It's great when you travel with a Mac mini because you can use your iPad as the display, but it's also very powerful for presentations.
Sidecar only works for newer Macs and I find that the Luna delivers lower latency anyway.
Love it.
Allowed me to continue working on my Mac Mini (headless) while I was waiting for my belongings to ship across the Atlantic in the middle of a pandemic! Really easy to pair with my iPad - so all I carried was the Mac, a keyboard, the iPad - and of course my Luna dongle.
I have been using the MDP and USB versions of Luna between MacBook Air and MacBook Pro sources and a mid 2015 iMac 27". Since Apple killed off Target Display Mode I have had a choice of a slower iMac with a large display, or a faster MacBook Pro with a smaller display. LUNA to the rescue - in fact for TARGET DISPLAY MODE your should now read LUNA DISPLAY! I got back my 5K 27" display for about a $100. BARGAIN! I have a tiny workspace - about 30" x 18" surrounded by walls. In front of me is my iMac and to the side of it my iPad Pro 12.9", both mounted to the wall. On the desk to one side is my MacBook Pro 16". I have a thunderbolt connection between the MacBook Pro and the iMac, so now I am able to have what could be considered 3 screens - 2 on my huge iMac and one on the laptop. It's a great product - responsive enough for my document work, I'm not a gamer or video user, but zoom is pretty good over the thunderbolt and ethernet world connections - when there's problems there's an amazingly responsive team which has the power of 120 not just 12! - and the updates to the apps are fast and affective - reconnection between sleeping machines seems to have been addressed by the 5 update. I use all the peripherals attached to my MacBook and simply use the iMac as a screen. IT'S AWESOME!