Jordan Crook

Lumi - Custom silkscreen and rubber stamp toolkits on the cheap


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Ryan Hoover
We need a Product Hunt kitty stamp. Right meow.
Stephan Ango
@rrhoover I just tried it out with the kitty, our vectorizer does a pretty solid job with it:
Ryan Hoover
@kepano wow, this turned out pretty good. 😄
Stephan Ango
Hey guys! I'm the co-founder of Lumi. Yes, you saw us a few months ago with Inkodye (the sunlight-activated dye). We're expanding to help you print on more objects and surfaces, from fabric to glass, metal, wood, etc. We're still working to add better photos and details about each product, so bear with us. Feel free to ask any questions!
Alan Cassinelli
@kepano yeah better photos or even a mock up of what my stamp would look like give me more confidence in what I'm purchasing
Stephan Ango
@alancassinelli Those are coming soon, hope to have that feature out some time next week :)
Shlomo Fellig
This is so incredibly well done. Congrats @jessegenet!
Jesse Genet
@shlomofellig Thank you! :)
Chris Wood
Slick builder, slick checkout. Slick. Stamp ordered.
Henry Bayuzick
I didn't realize that I had saw this same company on Shark Tank a few episodes back. The rubber stamps are killer, definitely ordering one (or a few!). I think they would be great for gifts to fellow designers.
Ria Blagburn
Nice hunt, @jordanrcrook! Am I being a bit dim, or is it tricky to find pricing info on the site?
Stephan Ango
@riaface The pricing is dynamic. Once you pick/upload a design the price will be calculated based on your choice of product and size.
@kepano @jessegenet Hi there, I am very impressed with the products. Was struggling with the sizes i required for the Pre-Inked Stamp and the Paper Embosser. I just shot one email to you with my design file attached for clarification. Please reply asap. Excited to have these with me asap :)
Colin Loretz
Excited about this. We've been wanting a stamp for a while and most of the sites I found to do custom stamps didn't look like a website I'd ever trust with my payment info. Lumi looks awesome!
Anisa Mirza
I really wanna try this soontimes. Congrats @jessegenet and Team Lumi!
Jesse Genet
@theanisamirza Thanks Anisa! :)
Ben Thompson
@kepano your social strategy on instagram is what got my attention. We love our GitPrime robot stamp ( ) and blind embosser. Thank you so much. Lumi rocks. Highly recommended.
Amanda Chiu
Nice! Great for wedding season and adds a touch of old school and clean modern design. Love it. Sometimes simplicity is best.