Lucy Phone
Never wait on hold again
Ryan Guinee
Lucy Phone — Never wait on hold again
Ryan Hoover
Clever way to avoid waiting on hold (or just use Path Talk to text message businesses, in some cases). Side note: the name, Lucy Phone, could be offensive to some, especially with so much focus on gender equality at this time.
Jack Smith
@rrhoover how do you feel it would be related to gender equality? I didn't really get that feeling from the site. there are much more explicit examples imho, e.g. having you email on every email
Ryan Hoover
@_jacksmith I've become increasingly self aware and sensitive to this topic as of late, in part because of the climate and reality that I have to be very careful with what I say. It's easy to accidentally offend someone. I'm personally not offended but I can see how others (and probably very few), might perceive it negatively.
Ria Blagburn
@_jacksmith @rrhoover From a woman's point of view: I didn't view the name as sexist myself, but perhaps some people could reach that conclusion when seeing it paired with the background image of the woman on the switchboard. I think without that image, the majority of people wouldn't make as strong a connection with the idea that handling calls is a woman's job.
Jonathon Triest
Also check out Fast Customer. They've been doing this (well) for a long time now...
Jack Smith
@jtriest the difference with this is that it seems to work for any phone number, whereas fastcustomer seems to be limited to 3000 businesses?
Jack Smith
if this works like the description describes - on any phone number - then this is utterly fantastic.
Anoop Kansupada
@rhoover I've been using for as long as i can remember. The interface isn't perfect, but it's always done a good job.
Ryan Holmes
I love Fast Customer. Be wary that Fast Customer ran out of time trying to find a business model. Here's to you succeeding where they failed.