Clever way to avoid waiting on hold (or just use Path Talk to text message businesses, in some cases).
Side note: the name, Lucy Phone, could be offensive to some, especially with so much focus on gender equality at this time.
@rrhoover how do you feel it would be related to gender equality? I didn't really get that feeling from the site.
there are much more explicit examples imho, e.g. having you email on every email
@_jacksmith I've become increasingly self aware and sensitive to this topic as of late, in part because of the climate and reality that I have to be very careful with what I say. It's easy to accidentally offend someone. I'm personally not offended but I can see how others (and probably very few), might perceive it negatively.
@_jacksmith@rrhoover From a woman's point of view: I didn't view the name as sexist myself, but perhaps some people could reach that conclusion when seeing it paired with the background image of the woman on the switchboard. I think without that image, the majority of people wouldn't make as strong a connection with the idea that handling calls is a woman's job.
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