Kevin William David

Log Harvestor - The only analytics tool you'll ever need

Log Harvestor is your single platform for analytics across product, marketing, and engineering - Plug into as many sources as you need - All your analytics can be managed in one place, and used by multiple teams - Up to 70% cheaper than DataDog.

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Solomon Bush
Hi everyone! After ~2 years of building - I'm excited to announce the v1 launch of Log Harvestor! About: Log Harvestor is an all-in-one analytics tool that helps you get insights into your product without the hassle of managing multiple tools. We eliminate the sprawl, confusion, and costs associated with modern software development by providing a single platform for engineering, product, and marketing teams. Key benefits of using Log Harvestor: • Easily integrate with any website or app 🪝: We have official SDKs, a website-integration, plus an API for custom integrations. • Live stream and full text search from any source ⚡️:  Get real-time insights into your data and search for anything you need, no matter where its from. • Shared dashboards and charts 🍻: Your team can collaborate on the same data and visualizations, so everyone is on the same page. • Full stack insights 💡: Get a holistic view of your product by analyzing data from all parts of your stack. • Save money 💰: Log Harvestor is a fraction of the cost of traditional analytics tools. For Product Hunt users that sign up this week, I am giving away 1 month free of the PRO plan. I hope you'll check out out Log Harvestor and let me know what you think! Happy harvesting! Solomon Bush 🌲 Founder & CEO, Log Harvestor
Amit Arora
@solomon_bush this is a really great product. DataDog felt like a big pain on the pocket. My only request build for long term because I sometimes see good products founders with short term vision lose interest and then customers suffer.
Solomon Bush
@amit_arora Absolutely - this is such a good point. I have been working on this for over 2 years now. Hopefully there are many more to come. I have big big dreams for what Log Harvestor is going to do :) But to your point about DataDog - I think that many companies like them started out to be 'useful', and quickly they just became 'profitable'. Sad :(
Solomon Bush
Okay - so I have sandbox available that I was worried about releasing today. But I am going to post the link here and keep it active just for today for all you here on product hunt! Keep in mind the sandbox doesn't really guide you around. I still need to add that in. So for now you'll just have to navigate on your own. But check it out and let me know what you think :) Again, it may be a little buggy - but you guys are awesome - so I wanted to show you the working app without you having to sign up : )
Ilya Melnikov
Cool analytics tool! Kudos for the launch!🚀🎉🎉
Solomon Bush
@millman Thank you so much! Really appreciate the support :)
Julien Zmiro
Hey Solomon! I discovered Log Harvestor when I built an AskMore interview for it a few days ago. It's a great product idea, and as described by the AI in the interview, I always find analytics tools quite confusing so I love that Log Harvestor is putting so much emphasis on the user experience. Best of luck for the launch!
Solomon Bush
@zmiro Thank you so much Julien! Really loved that interview btw. It gave me some really good ideas on features to explore next :)
Giorgio Groß
🔌 Plugged in
Wow I remember we were on a call like a year ago where you were doing use case research for Log Harvestor, so good to see you kept going and launched on PH!! 🤗 Currently building something and will defo consider using this very soon
Solomon Bush
@giorgio_gross Yes! I really appreciated that call - if I remember correctly, you were interested in doing customer facing dashboards for your startup? And thanks man! :) We'll have to catch up some time - I'm excited to see what you're building!
Giorgio Groß
@solomon_bush Yes that's right, moved on to a new project tough but Log Harvestor could still come in handy here!
Tom St. Clair
Congrats on the launch! I love the way you can see all data at once, and with the cheaper pricing - this is great!
Solomon Bush
@tomstclair Thanks dude! I really should have used though hahaha
Tom St. Clair
@solomon_bush haha, yours still looks amazing and i bet bubble wouldnt be the best thing to get all of that data onto, and also it can be quite slow
Solomon Bush
@tomstclair Oh that's probably a good point - I had to do some crazy optimization to make the UI work well for Log Harvestor. Honestly the UI was harder than the backend.
🧐 Good find
@solomon_bush Great name ! Interesting tool ! There's a misspelled word in your website head title : anayltics.
Solomon Bush
@mho22 Thank you so much - fixing that now lol - how embarrassing. haha
Sandra Djajic
Very important tool when it comes to building a startup! Congratulations on the launch and wishing you all the best!
Solomon Bush
@sandradjajic Thanks for the support Sandra! :)
Mary Jane Ng.
Congrats Solomon on the launch!
Solomon Bush
@mj_ng Thanks Mary!
Dawn Veltri
Congrats on the launch Solomon!
Solomon Bush
@dawn_veltri1 Hey Dawn! Thank you so much! This one went so much better than the last ones haha.
Patricia Egyed
Fantastic work 👏 Congrats on the launch!
Solomon Bush
@patricia_egyed Thanks Patricia! 🚀
Adam Cohen Hillel
Good luck, looks good!
Solomon Bush
@adamcohenhillel Appreciate it! I've always been a fan of dark theme :) Looking forward to the Deepen launch. Just subscribed :)
Filip Ognjanovic
Congrats, and good luck with the launch!
Alicea Hughes
The product looks amazing. Congrats
Solomon Bush
@alicea_hughes Thanks Alicea! :)
Kakon Faiza
Congrats on your launch
Solomon Bush
@kakon_faiza Hey Kakon! Thank you so much!
Zach Glabman
@solomon_bush congrats on the launch! Really cool product, looks perfect for growth teams
Solomon Bush
@zachglabman Thanks Zach! :)
Jake Harrison
💡 Bright idea
Upvoted, and great tool, lets post on, I will definitely feature it
Solomon Bush
@jakeharr Okay sounds great! Thank you so much - I'll go a head and post that now.
@solomon_bush : Congratulations on the launch and wishing you all the best!
Solomon Bush
@saroj_sahoo Thank you so much Saroj!
Jan Záveský
From 30 upvotes to 339, congratulations. What's next)) first place?