A typewriter inspired mechanical keyboard
Jorgen Gedeon
Iofree — The first mechanical keyboard inspired by typewriters

Sait M. Ilhaner
Congrats! Looks amazing.
Nick Woodhams
Based on the lack of information about this product I'm guessing this landing page is to validate the product and test the market. There is virtually no information about this product! I love the design, I just wouldn't expect to see it anytime soon.
Kevin Leneway
A few keys on my MacBook stopped working recently, I want this so badly! When will it be available?
Steven Lam
Live this!
Damian Esteban
Oh no, not another cool mechanical keyboard I'll want to purchase! Nice work.
OMG I'm a total keyboard geek and the idea of a keyboard akin to a typewriter was enough to have me pumped, but seeing the design totally sold me. Beautiful and so fun! Clicky clicky clack 👩‍💻
What brand / color switches are available? Can keycaps be changed after purchase or is stem proprietary? This is also not even close to the first "typewrite" mechanical. See Datamancer - https://datamancer.com/product-c...
I have an actual typewriter, this only comes close to being one.
This is awesome! There's something almost magical in modernizing "old school" technologies/systems
Adorable product design <3
Nikola Balic
You can find this already on aliexpress and it was recently on massdrop. How do you call such a situation? :)
Snah Desai
I would love to try this out before i buy it, any way i could do that?
André J
Karim Rashid wibe. nice!
Karim El-Kharraz
looks amazing ,when we can got it ??
Alec Jones
Absolutely love this!
video? I want to hear the reassuring subtle sounds of keys in action.
Eugeniu Vozoca
"Lofree is the only mechanical keyboard which comes with your familiar Apple Magic keyboard layout" And the alt/option key is on the right side of the left command button. Yes