Cem Akbulut

Competitive Heatmap Analysis - Any website's heatmap data is at your fingertips

Competitive Heatmap Analysis is a new way of doing things, a brand new branch of web analytics we created, that lets you sneak peek into any website's heatmap data in an instant, and get actionable insights in mere seconds.

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Where does the data come from that created these heat maps?
@neilio educational guesses based on proximity to the top-left of the page, it has to be?
Cem Akbulut
@neilio @highaced Our behind-the-scene tech is quite complicated actually. It involves machine learning and various data partners.
@cem_akbulut As you shared data partners, are you buying data from 3rd party services?
Michael Facchinello
@neilio @highaced @cem_akbulut This is 100% my biggest question. Unless this is better explained the data cannot be considered credible. Also if you are one of the companies that has been indexed, how do you request your data be removed?
Pascal Briod
@neilio That's the right question to ask. I'm wondering if they are using a technology like EyeQuant's, which uses machine learning based on thousands of in-lab eye-tracking session : https://www.eyequant.com/technology
Logan Boyd
Tried entering a url and it doesn't seem to be searching for it in the search bar? Tried putting a clients full URL into the search bar like it said and didn't get any result? Did I do something wrong?
Cem Akbulut
@mastemine Hey Logan! Thanks for giving it a try. Search bar automatically pulls websites from our database as you type. If your client's URL didn't show up in our autosuggest box, chances are, we don't have heatmap data on this website, yet. But don't worry, we're getting there. More than 100K websites have already been indexed in the past few weeks, and we'll have top 1 million websites available in a month.
Miles Richardson
@mastemine @cem_akbulut Where are you getting the heatmap data from? Some chrome extension / toolbar that users have installed? Are the users aware they are sending their click data to your servers?
I would absolutely LOVE this... if it worked. @cem_akbulut
Cem Akbulut
Hey everyone! I'm the maker of this thing, and very excited launch, probably the most game-changing product we've ever built at Seotify. "Competitive Heatmap Analysis" It is, in fact, more than an app, but a new way of doing things, a brand new branch of web analytics we created, that lets you sneak peek into any website's heatmap data in an instant, and get actionable insights in mere seconds. By integrating CHA to your business, you can answer questions such as; - How people use my or my competition's website? - What can I learn from my competition's CRO strategy? - Where should I put my ads online? - What other websites do to convert better? etc etc.. Of course, a change in way of doing things always gives birth to previously unheard opportunities in various industries, CHA is no exception. To sum it up real quick. Advertising: - Find top converting spots on websites and launch winner ad campaigns. - Know exactly where visitors click on targeted websites. Ecom: - Discover your competition's top selling items and strategies, Explore what categories and products tend to sell best on special days and holidays. Sales & Marketing: - Discover poorly converting businesses to generate leads, Generate the insights you need to perfect your pitch. SEO: - Track your clients' heatmap without installing heavy plugins that slow down the website, and affect SEO performance negativaly. Want a bite of this? Give it a try here; We've also created a special coupon code for you guys. It's "producthunt35", make sure you apply at checkout! https://seotify.com/competitive-...
Shreyaa Ratra
@cem_akbulut, This product looks wonderful. Few thoughts if you are planning to do B2B sales : a) Target recently funded SaaS and E-commerce companies. Since they have raised money, they have money in their bank accounts. They would be willing to buy a service which can help them understand user engagement on their competitive's product. b) Target companies who are hiring for product managers or SEO managers. Since these companies are already hiring for these roles, it means they are willing to spend money on SEO and product that is why hiring for these roles. What do you think ?
Tom Uhlhorn
Tried finding competitors' websites, none of the ones I could think of were listed. It would be good if you had an index of industries to help me search through what you've listed. Also, questioning how you've found this data - is this legal? I note that your privacy policy is currently a dead link: https://seotify.com/legal/privac...
I wasn't able to peak "any" website as mentioned. Plus, in order to cancel, you need to send an email. What is this, 2005?
Arvin Garcia
Unsecure website