Ken Savage

Local Lead Game - Learn the local lead generation game & help local businesses

An estimate 60% of small businesses closed down due to covid. Now more than ever they need your help. I created some tools and training to teach you how to build a local lead generation business to help out these businesses.

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Ken Savage
Hey guys. Longtime lurker. First time maker 👍 My Uncle's business had to shut down due to covid early this year and I felt helpless because I couldn't stop it. When things started opening back up last summer he asked if I could use my marketing experience to help him get customers back to restaurant. I used everything I knew to get him back up and running and in 3 weeks he was at least able to service his customers once again. I wrapped everything up into a community and tools so you can easily learn how I did it and you can start to help local business too. If you can create a website and write a little copy you can help businesses do more business than they ever have. What's Inside? ✅ How to find a local niche ripe for selling leads. ✅ Research competitors and get an idea how to beat them in search. ✅ Building your lead generation website. ✅ How to outrank and beat competitors with backlinks, paid advertising, promotion campaigns and more. ✅ How to prospect for clients to sell leads to. ✅ Optimize business processes with automation. ✅ Community support to learn and get your questions answered. ✅ Most importantly you'll be given access to our community of lead generation members and local SEO experts. Come join us and be part of what makes America a great place for entrepreneurship by rolling up your sleeves and building something beneficial to help communities.
Ken Savage
@vladojsem yes Sir that was the plan
Steven van Vessum
Interesting, is it mostly focused on the US market or also applicable to European (non-English) markets?
Ken Savage
@stevenvvessum Great question. I’m focusing on any country that can build a website, run a Google my business account and get traffic to the website. I’ll teach a few common traffic generation methods but no it’s not specific to the US.
Suganthan Mohanadasan
Ken is awesome so I bet this is an awesome product.
Ken Savage
@suganthanmn that’s awesome of you to say. Proceed with an awesomer day 👍
Nat Martin
@kensavage Amazing! For small businesses like ours, that don't have their own marketing team, these tools look invaluable. Definitely going to give it a spin.
Ken Savage
@litho thanks for your support. The tools are being developed and shared to help people get up and running faster generating leads.
Bogdan Ionita
Great initiative, Ken!
Ken Savage
@bogdan_ionita thank you Sir
Vadzim Drozd
Awesome idea. Good luck!
Ian Howells
Pumped to see this launched - congrats Ken
Ken Savage
@ianhowells thx brother. Should be really easy for someone to get started on their own local lead generation business.
nick eubanks
Congrats on this Ken! After seeing all the huge launches in 3019 & 2020 (including many times for TTT - thank you!) Im so happy to see you put all your experience and tactics into a product.
Nadav Dakner
What a solid initiative. I'm sure a lot of people will find it useful!
Ken Savage
@nadavdakner thank you. We welcome in anyone into our little community. Lots of feedback and marketing hacks going around inside.
Brandyn Morelli
Win-win here. Local businesses can get an influx of leads they desperately need, and those struggling with the pandemic can help supplement their salary with side income. Kudos!
Max Prilutskiy
Looking good! 👍
Grant Deken
Great resource and great timing to create this. Look forward to getting a copy.
Rahul Bura
Epic initiative! I have seen the struggle for lots of businesses to get online into the digital marketing space and they've seen solely relying on foot-traffic is not enough. Excited to check this out and good on ya for launching this!
Saijo George
Ken unpacks a lot of info on how he run these things, highly recommended.
Michael Pen
How good is the SEO and ranking modules? This is probably the area I need help in the most
Alan Nadaskay
Is there a discount on the coaching if someone picks up the $35 package first and then decides they want the coaching afterwards?
Ken Savage
@alan_nadaskay I’ll make it work for you no problem
Teresa West
Suresh Kumar
great i love it!!!
Suresh Kumar
this is super
Ken Savage
@suresh_kumar3 wait til you see the Pro version. Get notified here
robiul haque
gamers are happy with this product