Marie Ng

Llama - A fun, flexible, task manager for desktop web


Llama is designed to increase your focus, so you can get through tasks with greater speed and efficiency. Unlike traditional task managers, Llama changes the way you think about time, so you're not just making lists, you're completing them.

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Marie Ng
Hey PH πŸ‘‹, 10 months ago, I gave myself the challenge of learning to code, then to launch a product from scratch. Today I'm celebrating the launch of Llama v1.0! πŸŽ‰ Llama is a productivity tool that helps you power through lists, not just make them. It does this by letting you set a 'timer' for every task. Your goal is to finish before the time runs out. The name comes from one of my favorite travel experiences to Peru where I visited a small town to learn about their culture. While I was there, Llamas were roaming around their village - those Llama's looked soo relaxed and were leading their best life πŸ¦™β›° This is my attempt at leading a 'Llama life'. I built Llama because I found a huge correlation between my Mental Health and my Productivity levels throughout a given day. For me, if I don't feel like I'm making progress it significantly affects my mood. And during these Covid times and WFH, being productive has been all the more challenging. It's been a journey - from knowing no code to learning html, css, javascript -> React, flexbox, styled components, bootstrap, webpack, git, node.js/express, Stripe integration for payments, Firebase for user authentication and database πŸ˜…. But am excited to be finally releasing v1.0 of Llama. Any and all feedback is welcome, about Llama...or my coding journey. Remember to look after your mental health during these challenging times, and I hope Llama is helpful in some small way. Cheers, Marie gif credit:
Marie Ng
@hans_dekker thanks Hans, really appreciate it. It's been a labor of love πŸ₯°, and has kept me focused during these challenging times! πŸ˜…
Marie Ng
@owenfar1 Thanks for the kind words, Owen. By 'desktop web' I mean it's designed to run in the browser on a desktop / laptop. In other words not for mobile. Is there a different way to say it? Open to suggestions... πŸ€”
Marie Ng
@owenfar1 I'll definitely give this some thought, thanks Owen.
Sai Prasanth D
@ngthatsme1 Incredicle work done in 10 months, you have set the bar on productivity too high , congrats on your launch
stefan ketola
@owenfar1 @ngthatsme1 I would word it "web only". Desktop made me think there is a desktop app for Mac/PC and I'm guessing there is not?
Jeff Jadulco
I love your focus CTA button :)))
Marie Ng
@jefferson_jadulco haha thanks! Wasn't sure whether to include that at first 😝
Stephanie McDonald
Any plans for an integration to Zapier? I would love to zap tasks to my list which is how I'm using Trello now, but i'm always looking for improvements!
Marie Ng
@stephanie_mcdonald2 Hi Stephanie, I'll definitely keep that in mind! Thank you. Right now am focusing on the core Llama product, but Zapier or IFTTT integration would be interesting. I'm a heavy Trello user myself. All my monthly and weekly tasks are on Trello and then I use Llama to organise them in the present moment/today.
Stephanie McDonald
@ngthatsme1 Is there a way to move them out of Trello into Llama other than retyping?
Marie Ng
@stephanie_mcdonald2 not at the moment, but will definitely give it some thought. Thanks for the feedback πŸ₯°
stefan ketola
@stephanie_mcdonald2 @ngthatsme1 I think bringing stuff in from other apps - RTM / Trello / todosit et al , is a MUST. Otherwise we'd just be duplicating work. On a busy focussed day I may have 20 - 30 tasks - am I going to re type these from my todo app of choice into Llama ? No. That would be VERY unproductive indeed. Congrats on teaching yourself to code - that is most impressive and the app is very sleek and polished. Definitely aesthetically pleasing :) I'd also like to have the ability to edit items on the list. Good start and keep up the good work.
Marie Ng
@stephanie_mcdonald2 @stefan_ketola thanks for the thoughtful feedback. Yes I can see how the duplication of work would be contrary to what Llama is trying to help people achieve. I've added integration and editing to the list of potential features to work on. Will create a public Trello board of features so folks can help shape the direction of Llama. Will loop back when that's done. Thanks again, that's really helpful.
Hung Pham
This is great! Grats on the launch. Looks very polished. I'm big on sound effects, have you thought about adding more sounds (play/pause, milestones, etc.)?
Marie Ng
@hungipham thanks Hung! Great suggestion. Do you have any recommendations on where to get some good sound effects? I agree a few more would be nice (with optional mute button of course)
Alejandro LeΓ³n
Ok. I live in Chile, I see a Llama, I click. (Llamas are a thing here) :D
Marie Ng
@alelepd πŸ˜‚
Matt #MaskUpMelbourne Slutzkin
HI @ngthatsme1. This is an awesome product, especially since you only just learned to code. I'm curious about your coding journey - do you have any recommendations or resources for people learning to code?
Marie Ng
@mattslutzkin hey Matt, thank you! I think my biggest recommendation would be to find a learning method that works for you eg I'm terrible at reading books, but great when it comes to video or audio. I started with a Udemy course on html/css, and javascript - this was great because it provided some structural learning. And now I mostly watch coding videos on YouTube, and Google everything else. It can be difficult because 'you don't know what you don't know' but getting good at asking the right questions on Google will get you far! I like Traversy Media and DevEd on YouTube (not affiliated in any way). I do want to depends what your goal is. If you're launching an MVP, I'm a big advocate for 'no code' (see @bentossell 's MakerPad), or as little code as possible in order to test market demand etc. But, with Llama the goal was more to learn to code, and then it kind of just grew and I figured I should launch it.
stefan ketola
Hi Can I just clarify - the $9 is a one time payment for lifetime licence ?
Marie Ng
@stefan_ketola hi Stefan, yes the US$9 is an early adopter special I'm doing as a Lifetime deal. This means you will have access to all Llama's features now, and all future features to be developed.
Jash Sayani
Reminds me of WinAmp
Marie Ng
@jashsayani haha! haven't heard WinAmp in a long time! is it still around?
Very well done πŸ¦™! (πŸ¦™! being an exc-llama-tion BTW)
Marie Ng
@rkasturi love it πŸ˜‚
Nhi Hemingway
Impressive work Marie!
Marie Ng
@nhi_hemingway thanks Nhi :)
Eleanor Drew
Jason M Festa
Love the Llama :) πŸ¦™
Marie Ng
@jasonfesta1 thanks Jason.
Carlos Tenor
I love it! Congratulations!
Marie Ng
@carlostenor Cheers Carlos!
Rob Smith
Keep up the amazing work on this tool Marie!
Marie Ng
@rubrub777 Thanks Rob! Let me know if you have any questions at all!
Diogo Capela
Superb! It looks amazing πŸ‘
Marie Ng
@diogocapela thanks so much Diogo! πŸ₯°
Satvik Pendem
Wow that's so cool, I made something similar for my own use last year ( but yours is definitely more polished, good job. Looks like it's good validation for myself haha, nevertheless great to hear your story.
Marie Ng
@cercatrova thanks Satvik, all the best with your project 😊
Lukyan Semyonov
Class !!!
Theo Masunga
aaaah yess another cute product
Eva Shalenko
Wow, impressive story of you! Gooood! I like task trackers so I will definitely try it. Upvoted! Ans good luck!
Mikhail Gorin
Interesting product. Being an entrepreneur with a small team I need a simple task tracker. Is your product easier than Trello for ex?