Thank you Kevin for the great hunt!
The app is an evolved version of Live Interior 3D, the first home design software that appeared on Windows Store and Mac App Store when they were first launched.
Live Home 3D for Windows is the UWP app that includes tons of new features such as the elevation view, round walls support and the ability to create immersive 360º panoramic images and videos, which makes us unique among home design applications available on the market.
Live Home 3D for Mac was released a bit earlier and includes the same functionality, plus some additional features, like advanced material editor, more rendering options and direct editing of models in SketchUp (Pro version).
We'd love to hear any feedback about the app and will answer any questions you might have 😊
@alex_romanchykov super impressive. I've been around building plans a number of times and it's often difficult to visualize for both designers and buyers. My first thought is double (triple?) your prices. Seems very cheap for someone who is working on a major house project.
@kbclauson We tried to find a balance between free and paid app. Our previous experience with Live Interior 3D taught us a lot. It is important for us to give enough freedom to the user, while remaining a commercial project at the same time. Without investments the program simply can not evolve.
Hi - first reaction is WOW! I truly appreciate this product because I've worked on something very similar myself and know the nuances that can go behind building such a platform. Here is a demo of mine (Step Inside) :
Very curious to know which underlying platform/tech this is built on top of? Also, any plans to go mobile with this? That's something I personally feel is the next logical step for your platform and would love to discuss with you about it in depth. Excited for you and your company :)
@puneet_kohli Looks nice! Live Home 3D is a native cross-platform app. We use С++ Core. On Windows platform we use UWP API for UI and platform depended stuff. On Mac platform we use Objective-C/C++ with Cocoa for UI and platform depended stuff. For 3D graphics we use cross-platform Ogre library, it wraps DirectX, OpenGL, etc. We already started works on iOS version. Android version will follow it.
Ok this is sweet. I was just recommending products like this to a friend who wants to design his upcoming apartment! Going back to our thread with Live Home 3D!
@alex_romanchykov Can you share with us the key differences with Sketchup and how novice desigers could use them together? Do you start with Live Home 3D or Sketchup if you have a small home design project, for example?
@simonstjohn Working in Live Home 3D you may accomplish the project faster. Say, adding a roof in our program is done in two clicks. Also, you get a little more lighting and shadows than SketchUp provides. Our app doesn’t really allow to build custom 3D objects like furniture, we still rely on SketchUp with that. I would recommend to check the video tutorials on our website. These short movies are quite informative :)
I've used this (on a Mac) for a while, and love it! it's the best and easiest software of its kind that I've been able to find.
I used Live Interior 3D before, and this is definitely a big improvement -- everything looks and feels better.
@rrhoover We work on that. Mac version will get FBX, OBJ export in a month. Windows version will get the same feature a few weeks later. 3D printing will be the natural next step.
@phostercreative The program was just launched at the Windows Store with 50% discount on all in-apps. This discount will be available until May 23rd. This was done to facilitate the transition from the previous versions and its a good chance for the new users to buy it cheaper ;)
@ilyashassani .pln files are not supported at the moment. I would recommend to use Collada or 3ds instead. We also plan to add FBX and OBJ support within a month.