
Live Studio: Print - Bring photos to life with augmented reality.


Live Studio: Print allows you to order Live Photos as phyical prints which can be viewed later in agumented reality.
Users upload photos in the app and we print and ship them. We hope to be able to expand and support more types of prints soon.

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On our website (livestud.io), there is a demo you can try out. Download the app for free, point the app's camera at the screen, and see the photo come to life. Better, yet ask a friend to open the site on their phone and you can move the phone around like it is a physical photo and get a sense of how well the app tracks the image. This started off as a proof of concept about 10 months ago. Piggy backing off my most successful app, Live Studio (2015) which was one of the first in the App Store to be able to convert Live Photos to and from videos and GIFs. Once I had more time after graduating college in December, I was able to figure out some of the business rules and release an MVP version. Everyone I show this to in person is completely blown away by how awesome it is and I wanted to share this with you guys. Happy to answer any questions you have! Let me know if you plan to place an order. I can manually discount orders for early adopters.
Jake Crump
This reminds me of the photos in Harry Potter. Very cool use of AR!
@jakecrump Thanks! You really do get that feeling when you use it in person.
Vignesh Vaidyanathan
Love this. As @jakecrump says, it almost like seeing the harry potter photos. I love the simplicity of it and the photos seem wow when they come to life 👍❤️
Elizabeth Moledo

This app is a great idea and start to something bigger! Who doesn't want small polaroid pictures to hang up around your house that turn into a live photo!?


Makes a Live Photo into a Polaroid

