Live speed limit alerts - avoid police traps and speeding tickets
Real time voice alerts based on "actual" speed limits.
Praneeth Reddy

Chop Commute β€” See current drive times in your Mac menu bar πŸš™ πŸ•‘

Ryan Hoover
Now it just needs Uber integration. Maybe @pontusab from the Uber menu bar app, Fastlane, should partner up. 😊
Yiğitcan Kutay Güler
It would be great if you included some more info on your website. For example; where do you get your traffic data & does it work only in the US..
Praneeth Reddy
@ykguler Agreed, for now the app works in all countries where Apple maps shows the traffic data. In the near future, we plan to add support for almost all countries (using google maps)
Praneeth Reddy
Take the guess work out of your daily commute by seeing real-time traffic and drive times specific to your route right on your Mac menu bar (system status tray).
Jaanus JagomΓ€gi
That's nice, although the UI design isn't great. Any new features planned for the future?
Praneeth Reddy
@jagomagi Planning to add Google Maps data so that almost all countries get traffic information. Also Windows version is on the cards.
Justin Clegg
$4.99 . . . I'm out.
Praneeth Reddy
Now available for Windows PC too! See drive times on your system tray.
Mimi Wong
I would pay 2 bux for this, but not 5, no way.