As an academic, I am on the constant lookout for tools such as this. However the website didn't have much info. How is the Ink integrated into the document? Is there hand writing recognition? Can I search my hand written annotations?
How about document management? I have 1000s of papers in pdf format, and read a few papers a week at least. Also, Does this app allow for annotations and links between documents?
I should add that I don't have an IPad.. But if this can replace the process of printing and annotating papers, I'd buy one tomorrow.
@johahnleung Great questions!
1) LiquidText imports documents into its own format, but can export them as PDF when requested. So the ink is integrated into the LiquidText document, and in the exported PDFs as well.
2) Handwriting recognition: no, we didn't see much demand for that.
3) Search handwritten annotations: no not yet.
4) Links and annotations across documents: as long as you put the documents in the same project file, then YES!
5) Requires iPad: yes, for now it does.
Gillian, thank you so much for hunting us! We're so excited to be launching LiquidText's inking experience today--it's been a long time in the making! And we're so happy to be sharing the launch on product Hunt. Please tell me what you think and let me know what questions I can answer!
Very cool to extract information blocks, then connect them! It will allow users to create own knowledge map. Question: is LiquidText Ink the same product as the one named LiquidText PDF Document Reader?
Been given it to review on my site,, and its stunning! I've been using it to annotate a book I'm studying at school.
A must have if you work in a lot of PDFs.
LiquidText for MacOS
LiquidText for MacOS
LiquidText for MacOS
LiquidText for MacOS
LiquidText for MacOS
LiquidText for MacOS
LiquidText for MacOS