Gillian Morris

Liquid Text 2.0 - A better way to understand text - across multiple documents


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Craig Tashman
Hi folks, thanks so much for including us on Product Hunt! Let me know if I can answer any questions. LiquidText 2.0 is really about helping people understand information even when it's spread across many different sources. Here's a quick demo of the new version
Robert McKee
@craigtashman will you be adding any handwriting options with the apple pencil?
Craig Tashman
@robertmckee We absolutely plan to! It's more technically complex than it ought to be in our case, but we want to start work soon, and we're hoping to launch it around the end of the summer!
Robert McKee
@craigtashman great to hear. That feature is what was missing for me. I will go back to liquidtext and retry it. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. The other features are definitely innovative interface designs.
Craig Tashman
@robertmckee Thanks a lot, I'm glad the rest of it resonates! And hopefully soon we'll get out the inking as well.
W. Rix Victory II
@craigtashman Can we get it for Android or Windows soon?
This looks awesome! I am a PhD student and reading scientific papers in PDF is rather painful when you need to scroll back and forth for graphs etc..Not to mention comparing multiple docs! Would it come to Mac? or even PC?
Craig Tashman
@rangerq Thanks so much! LiquidText actually came out of a PhD dissertation in interactive computing, so it's wonderful to see it being used in that setting! As for other versions, we hope to release Mac and PC versions--it's a big project to port it, but ideally we'd like to launch Mac and PC versions in Q1 2017.
@craigtashman That's great, thanks! It's worth waiting! I have purchased multi-doc to show my support:) It's just that iPad screen is rather small for scientific journal formatted PDFs, in the layout of Liquid Text... By the way, is it possible to have Evernote integration in the future?
Craig Tashman
@rangerq Thanks so much for your support! Evernote may be a little tricky, but what I can do is upvote it for you on our request list. If we get enough votes, we'll see about adding it!
Nate Newby-Kew
Are Android or Windows options anywhere on the horizon? Love the concept but I'm tied down.
Craig Tashman
@nnewbykew Thanks a lot! We don't have anything planned for Android right now, but we are hoping to launch something for Windows in the future. Ideally, we hope to get it out in early 2017. Let me know if you have any other questions!
@nnewbykew @craigtashman Is the Windows version still in your plan? I think it would be great to be used with Surface. If not, maybe I need to buy a iPad Pro on Black Friday
Luis Fariña
I don't have an iPad, but I'll make sure that I download this app once I get one! Love the excerpts feature: I could see myself using that a lot. Really cool idea!
Craig Tashman
@louthinker Thanks a lot! In the future we hope to have a Mac version as well, but for now the iPad is still required. Best wishes with it once you get your iPad :), and let me know if you have any questions.
Luis Fariña
@craigtashman I understand that, since the iPad seems like the best device for your app. Though I'll stay tuned for the Mac version too!
Jé basle
@craigtashman The Mac version will be definitely the Must have. I do not use my iPad for this kind of text study work but my Mac, and I've been looking for this for ages ! Can't wait for it
Craig Tashman
@jebasle Thanks so much, I hope we can get it out soon! Let me know if you have any questions!
Gideon Farrell
This strikes me as extremely useful for legal docs. So often when reading legal documents I've had to print off the entire thing and lay it out in front of me to have all the references (as well as printing out the relevant legislation). LiquidText looks like it could help quite a lot with that!
Craig Tashman
@gideonfarrell Thanks a lot! I think you're quite right--we actually have a lot of legal professionals using LiquidText! But your larger point about print-outs is so true; working with paper is pretty awkward, that was a big part of what research found; our hope in designing LiquidText was to make something truly better than paper.
@craigtashman @gideonfarrell absolutely! i use it to read cases etc too. one question: are there any plans for a laptop/desktop/webapp? as a law student/ soon-to-be lawyer, iPad is still not good enough to be my primary device.
Craig Tashman
@leejien @gideonfarrell Thanks a lot! Actually yes; we're hoping to build a desktop version soon. It's a big project but ideally we'd want to launch it in early 2017 for both PC and Mac!
Tomáš Baránek
LiquidText is absolutely the best way how to read PDFs (books etc.) and make notes. Best!
Craig Tashman
@tombarys Thanks so much, Tomas! We really appreciate it!
Tomáš Baránek
@craigtashman It really improved my workflow so much – the approach goes behind all boring PDF annotate tools and is even very usable. The only weaker features are exports: I would appreciate exporting workspace – to both PDF and some mindmap file (OPML/.mm?) + with the same granular options when exporting PDF as when exporting DOCs. Best!
Craig Tashman
@tombarys I completely agree--we struggled with the best way to deal with exporting the workspace. But we'll likely be adding a visual workspace PDF export (to complement the more linear DOC export) soon. Possibly in the next month or so!
Antonio Flores
Love the idea
Craig Tashman
@contactdailycam Thanks a lot, let me know if you have any questions about it!
Amit Sonawane
Love the idea! Does it integrate with Dropbox/GDrive/etc where I already store most of my documents?
Craig Tashman
@amitsonawane Thanks a lot! Yes, it does--it has some special features for importing/exporting especially seamlessly from/to Dropbox and Box, but also supports importing/exporting from/to anything that supports the iOS file picker system, which includes OneDrive, Google Drive, and others.
Abhishek Khare
The idea is great.
Craig Tashman
@abkhare9 Thanks a lot, and let me know if I can answer any questions!
Jani keyc
any plans to support for other document formats?
Craig Tashman
@janikeyc We're always open to adding more--is there one on your wishlist? And sorry for the slow reply, just saw this now!
Jani keyc
@craigtashman it's ok.Maybe epub or mobi like ebook formats?
Craig Tashman
@janikeyc Ah, thanks a lot! Yes, we've had some interest in the eBook formats, so we'll keep that in mind. For right now though, there are several web services that will convert eBooks to PDF, which might be the fastest way to get them into LiquidText for right now. Thanks so much again, though!
Otto Offringa
This looks great! We're doing a lot of research, especially by spitting through other research and discuss our findings with collegues all over world. This might be our tool to set up the quick and dirty rationales. Even when it comes from many multiplying sources, LT will remind them and we can take care of the annotations later. Seems promissing. We definately give it a try.
Craig Tashman
@otto_offringa Thanks so much! A research use case is something we definitely wanted to strongly support with LiquidText. Let me know if you have any questions!
Just wanted to say that it's a very intuitive app in terms of learning to use it. Very straightforward, which I like. Well done!
Craig Tashman
@glaboo_com Thank you so much, we really tried to make it straightforward, so that's terrific to hear! Thanks again, and let me know if I can answer any questions as well!
François Flt
Really nice guys, I have been waiting for smtgh like that for too long! Do you have an API to make it work with Pocket for instance? That would be awesome to extract content from articles, combine them and so on
Craig Tashman
@francois_flt Great question, and thanks a lot! I'm sorry to say we don't have an API yet, but in the future we'd like to. Over time, we'd like to evolve this into a broader productivity platform.
Jordan Hall
I've been using Liquid Text for a while for both academic and business uses. It's really fantastic! Good job, guys!
Craig Tashman
@jordanmhall Thanks so much! I'm very glad to hear it! Let me know if we can answer any questions, of course!
Venki Rajah
@craigtashman any plans on sorting dropbox folder by date or any other fields? Also, any plans on exporting the highlights only without the rest of the pdf.
Craig Tashman
@venkirajah Great questions! 1) Sort dropbox: Yes, that's on our list, it's just taken lower priority to other features, but I'll upvote it for you now! We'll probably add that as a small update in the coming couple months. 2) Export highlights: you can actually do that now! LiquidText's export includes an option that converts all your notes to a Word file. Tap the send button on the top-right, tap email or cloud services, and tap "notes." Let me know if that helps!
Venki Rajah
@craigtashman Thanks on 1) and on 2) got it. Also, it would be great to add Dark Mode in the future update. Great app.
Craig Tashman
@venkirajah Thanks for the suggestion! Dark mode is something we've considered, but it's a surprisingly large project; so unfortunately it's probably not something we can do in the short term, but I'll upvote it for you, and hopefully in the long term it'll be possible!
Rich Miller
Very well done as an iOS app. Superb, even. Of course, you'll not get away completely scot-free. I'm interested in knowing whether .ltdoc files could be consumed by MacOS applications … The one (in particular) of interest to me would be Scapple from Literature and Latte. ( https://www.literatureandlatte.c... ). Looking forward to great things from Liquid Text.
Craig Tashman
@rhm2k Hi Rich, thanks for asking! I'm sorry to say that nothing other than LiquidText can consume LTDOC files--we know of no other format that can store all the things we need to store and represent it correctly. But we're hoping to be able to launch a Mac OS version in the future--ideally early 2017!
André J
Link to a landing page maybe?
Craig Tashman
@eonpilot Thanks for the suggestion, it seems to have the link now!